Oracle 11g ( Configure Tablespace Encryption using Safenet Hardware Security Module (LUNA SA 4.4.0 HSM)
Note: Step 1 to 4 need repeating on all the nodes in the cluster
Step 5 and 6 don't need repeat for RAC
Example : DATABASE SERVER Hostname is dbserver01
: HSM Device name is hsm01
1. Install HSM Client software on database Server dbserver01:
2. Register Oracle Database server (client) with HSM.
login as root on dbserver01:
su - root
password: *******
[root@dbserver01 bin]# cd /usr/lunasa/bin
-- Fetch server parameter from hsm01 to database server.
[root@dbserver01 bin]# /ctp admin@hsm01.domain.local:server.pem .
--- Verify Cerfiticate
[root@dbserver01 bin]# openssl x509 -in server.pem -noout -text
--- Register Hsm01 as authorised HSM Server.
[root@dbserver01 bin]# ./vtl addServer -n hsm01 -c server.pem
New server hsm01 successfully added to server list.
-- Verify Server added
[root@dbserver01 bin]# ./vtl listServers
Server: hsm01
-- Create HSM Client certificate from the Database Server
[root@dbserver01 bin]# ./vtl createCert -n dbserver01
Private Key created and written to: /usr/lunasa/cert/client/dbserver01Key.pem
Certificate created and written to: /usr/lunasa/cert/client/dbserver01.pem
--- upload client certificate to HSM
[root@dbserver01 bin]# ./ctp /usr/lunasa/cert/client/dbserver01.pem admin@hsm01.domain.local:
admin@hsm01.domain.local's password:
dbserver01.pem 100% 1172 1.1KB/s 00:00
---- Login to HSM Device via SSH or Local console
ssh admin@hsm01.domain.local
password: ***********
----- Register dbserver01 to HSM as client
[hsm01] lunash:>client reg -c dbserver01 -h dbserver01
'client register' successful.
Command Result : 0 (Success)
--- Assing HSM partition to dbserver01(client)
[hsm01] lunash:>client a -p Oracle -c dbserver01
'client assignPartition' successful.
Command Result : 0 (Success)
3. Verify that Oracle Database server can talk to HSM:
[root@gridcluster03 bin]# ./vtl verify
The following Luna SA Slots/Partitions were found:
Slot Serial # Label
==== ======== =====
1 951962001 Oracle
---- You have Successfully Added Database server to HSM as client and Now Oracle Server is ready to use HSM as wallet to Store Tablespace and Column Master keys.
4. Configure Oracle to use HSM.
--- copy the HSM Libarary to Oracle required location:
[root@dbserver01 bin]# mkdir -p /opt/oracle/extapi/64/hsm/safenet/4.4.0/
[root@dbserver01 bin]#cp /usr/lunasa/lib/ /opt/oracle/extapi/64/hsm/safenet/4.4.0/
[root@dbserver01 bin]#chown -R oracle:dba /opt/oracle
--- Login as oracle and update sqlnet.ora
[root@dbserver01 bin]# su - oracle
[oracle@dbserver01 ]$ vi $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora
Add the following line
5. Enable Tablespace Encryption in database by createing the Master key in HSM wallet.
[oracle@dbserver01 ]$ sqlpus "/ as sysdba"
----- Create wallet in HSM Use this command once only to create the master key. Every time you bounce database you need to open the wallet.
alter system set encryption key identified by "hsmpartition_password";
---- Create tablespace:
6. Every Time you open start database open the wallet by following command.
alter system set encryption wallet open identified by "hsmpartition_password";
Note: Step 1 to 4 need repeating on all the nodes in the cluster
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