Parameter | Value | Description |
_4030_dump_bitvec | 4095 | bitvec to specify dumps prior to 4030 error |
_4031_dump_bitvec | 67194879 | bitvec to specify dumps prior to 4031 error |
_4031_dump_interval | 300 | Dump 4031 error once for each n-second interval |
_4031_max_dumps | 100 | Maximum number of 4031 dumps for this process |
_4031_sga_dump_interval | 3600 | Dump 4031 SGA heapdump error once for each n-second interval |
_4031_sga_max_dumps | 10 | Maximum number of SGA heapdumps |
_NUMA_instance_mapping | Not specified | Set of nodes that this instance should run on |
_NUMA_pool_size | Not specified | aggregate size in bytes of NUMA pool |
_PX_use_large_pool | FALSE | Use Large Pool as source of PX buffers |
__db_cache_size | 11676942336 | Actual size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers |
__dg_broker_service_names | service names for broker use | |
__java_pool_size | 67108864 | Actual size in bytes of java pool |
__large_pool_size | 67108864 | Actual size in bytes of large pool |
__oracle_base | /u01/app/oracle | ORACLE_BASE |
__pga_aggregate_target | 7516192768 | Current target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed |
__sga_target | 13958643712 | Actual size of SGA |
__shared_io_pool_size | 0 | Actual size of shared IO pool |
__shared_pool_size | 2013265920 | Actual size in bytes of shared pool |
__streams_pool_size | 0 | Actual size in bytes of streams pool |
_abort_recovery_on_join | FALSE | if TRUE, abort recovery on join reconfigurations |
_accept_versions | List of parameters for rolling operation | |
_active_instance_count | number of active instances in the cluster database | |
_active_session_idle_limit | 5 | active session idle limit |
_active_session_legacy_behavior | FALSE | active session legacy behavior |
_active_standby_fast_reconfiguration | TRUE | if TRUE optimize dlm reconfiguration for active/standby OPS |
_adaptive_direct_read | TRUE | Adaptive Direct Read |
_adaptive_direct_write | TRUE | Adaptive Direct Write |
_adaptive_fetch_enabled | TRUE | enable/disable adaptive fetch in parallel group by |
_adaptive_log_file_sync_high_switch_freq_threshold | 3 | Threshold for frequent log file sync mode switches (per minute) |
_adaptive_log_file_sync_poll_aggressiveness | 0 | Polling interval selection bias (conservative=0, aggressive=100) |
_adaptive_log_file_sync_sched_delay_window | 60 | Window (in seconds) for measuring average scheduling delay |
_adaptive_log_file_sync_use_polling_threshold | 200 | Ratio of redo synch time to expected poll time as a percentage |
_adaptive_log_file_sync_use_postwait_threshold | 50 | Percentage of foreground load from when post/wait was last used |
_add_col_optim_enabled | TRUE | Allows new add column optimization |
_add_stale_mv_to_dependency_list | TRUE | add stale mv to dependency list |
_add_trim_for_nlssort | TRUE | add trimming for fixed char semantics |
_addm_auto_enable | TRUE | governs whether ADDM gets run automatically after every AWR snapshot |
_addm_skiprules | comma-separated list of ADDM nodes to skip | |
_addm_version_check | TRUE | governs whether ADDM checks the input AWR snapshot version |
_adjust_literal_replacement | FALSE | If TRUE, we will adjust the SQL/PLUS output |
_adr_migrate_runonce | TRUE | Enable/disable ADR Migrate Runonce action |
_affinity_on | TRUE | enable/disable affinity at run time |
_aged_out_cursor_cache_time | 300 | number of seconds an aged out session cached cursor stay in cache |
_aggregation_optimization_settings | 0 | settings for aggregation optimizations |
_aiowait_timeouts | 100 | Number of aiowait timeouts before error is reported |
_alert_expiration | 604800 | seconds before an alert message is moved to exception queue |
_alert_message_cleanup | 1 | Enable Alert Message Cleanup |
_alert_message_purge | 1 | Enable Alert Message Purge |
_alert_post_background | 1 | Enable Background Alert Posting |
_all_shared_dblinks | treat all dblinks as shared | |
_allocate_creation_order | FALSE | should files be examined in creation order during allocation |
_allocation_update_interval | 3 | interval at which successful search in L1 should be updated |
_allow_cell_smart_scan_attr | TRUE | Allow checking smart_scan_capable Attr |
_allow_commutativity | TRUE | allow for commutativity of +, * when comparing expressions |
_allow_compatibility_adv_w_grp | FALSE | allow advancing DB compatibility with guaranteed restore points |
_allow_drop_snapshot_standby_grsp | FALSE | Allow dropping snapshot standby guaranteed restore point |
_allow_drop_ts_with_grp | FALSE | Allow drop Tablespace with guaranteed restore points |
_allow_error_simulation | FALSE | Allow error simulation for testing |
_allow_level_without_connect_by | FALSE | allow level without connect by |
_allow_read_only_corruption | FALSE | allow read-only open even if database is corrupt |
_allow_resetlogs_corruption | FALSE | allow resetlogs even if it will cause corruption |
_allow_terminal_recovery_corruption | FALSE | Finish terminal recovery even if it may cause corruption |
_alternate_iot_leaf_block_split_points | TRUE | enable alternate index-organized table leaf-block split-points |
_always_anti_join | CHOOSE | always use this method for anti-join when possible |
_always_semi_join | CHOOSE | always use this method for semi-join when possible |
_always_star_transformation | FALSE | always favor use of star transformation |
_and_pruning_enabled | TRUE | allow partition pruning based on multiple mechanisms |
_app_ctx_vers | FALSE | enable app ctx versioning |
_appqos_qt | 10 | System Queue time retrieval interval |
_aq_max_scan_delay | 1500 | Maximum allowable scan delay for AQ indexes and IOTs |
_aq_tm_deqcountinterval | 0 | dequeue count interval for Time Managers to cleanup DEQ IOT BLOCKS |
_aq_tm_scanlimit | 0 | scan limit for Time Managers to clean up IOT |
_aq_tm_statistics_duration | 0 | statistics collection window duration |
_arch_comp_dbg_scan | 0 | archive compression scan debug |
_arch_comp_dec_block_check_dump | 1 | decompress archive compression blocks for checking and dumping |
_arch_compress_checksums | FALSE | enable/disable row checksums for archive compressed blocks |
_arch_compression | TRUE | archive compression enabled |
_arch_io_slaves | 0 | ARCH I/O slaves |
_arch_sim_mode | 0 | Change behavior of local archiving |
_array_update_vector_read_enabled | FALSE | Enable array update vector read |
_ash_compression_enable | TRUE | To enable or disable string compression in ASH |
_ash_disk_filter_ratio | 10 | Ratio of the number of in-memory samples to the number of samples actually written to disk |
_ash_disk_write_enable | TRUE | To enable or disable Active Session History flushing |
_ash_dummy_test_param | 0 | Oracle internal dummy ASH parameter used ONLY for testing! |
_ash_eflush_trigger | 66 | The percentage above which if the in-memory ASH is full the emergency flusher will be triggered |
_ash_enable | TRUE | To enable or disable Active Session sampling and flushing |
_ash_min_mmnl_dump | 90 | Minimum Time interval passed to consider MMNL Dump |
_ash_sample_all | FALSE | To enable or disable sampling every connected session including ones waiting for idle waits |
_ash_sampling_interval | 1000 | Time interval between two successive Active Session samples in millisecs |
_ash_size | 1048618 | To set the size of the in-memory Active Session History buffers |
_asm_acd_chunks | 1 | initial ACD chunks created |
_asm_admin_with_sysdba | FALSE | Does the sysdba role have administrative privileges on ASM? |
_asm_allow_appliance_dropdisk_noforce | FALSE | Allow DROP DISK/FAILUREGROUP NOFORCE on ASM Appliances |
_asm_allow_lvm_resilvering | TRUE | Enable disk resilvering for external redundancy |
_asm_allow_only_raw_disks | TRUE | Discovery only raw devices |
_asm_allow_system_alias_rename | FALSE | if system alias renaming is allowed |
_asm_appliance_config_file | Appliance configuration file name | |
_asm_ausize | 1048576 | allocation unit size |
_asm_automatic_rezone | TRUE | automatically rebalance free space across zones |
_asm_avoid_pst_scans | TRUE | Avoid PST Scans |
_asm_blksize | 4096 | metadata block size |
_asm_check_for_misbehaving_cf_clients | FALSE | check for misbehaving CF-holding clients |
_asm_compatibility | 10.1 | default ASM compatibility level |
_asm_dba_batch | 500000 | ASM Disk Based Allocation Max Batch Size |
_asm_dba_threshold | 0 | ASM Disk Based Allocation Threshold |
_asm_dbmsdg_nohdrchk | FALSE | dbms_diskgroup.checkfile does not check block headers |
_asm_diag_dead_clients | FALSE | diagnostics for dead clients |
_asm_direct_con_expire_time | 120 | Expire time for idle direct connection to ASM instance |
_asm_disable_amdu_dump | FALSE | Disable AMDU dump |
_asm_disable_async_msgs | FALSE | disable async intra-instance messaging |
_asm_disable_multiple_instance_check | FALSE | Disable checking for multiple ASM instances on a given node |
_asm_disable_profilediscovery | FALSE | disable profile query for discovery |
_asm_disable_smr_creation | FALSE | Do Not create smr |
_asm_disk_repair_time | 14400 | seconds to wait before dropping a failing disk |
_asm_emulate_nfs_disk | FALSE | Emulate NFS disk test event |
_asm_emulmax | 10000 | max number of concurrent disks to emulate I/O errors |
_asm_emultimeout | 0 | timeout before emulation begins (in 3s ticks) |
_asm_evenread | 0 | ASM Even Read level |
_asm_evenread_alpha | 0 | ASM Even Read Alpha |
_asm_evenread_alpha2 | 0 | ASM Even Read Second Alpha |
_asm_evenread_faststart | 0 | ASM Even Read Fast Start Threshold |
_asm_fail_random_rx | FALSE | Randomly fail some RX enqueue gets |
_asm_fob_tac_frequency | 9 | Timeout frequency for FOB cleanup |
_asm_force_quiesce | FALSE | Force diskgroup quiescing |
_asm_hbeatiowait | 15 | number of secs to wait for PST Async Hbeat IO return |
_asm_hbeatwaitquantum | 2 | quantum used to compute time-to-wait for a PST Hbeat check |
_asm_imbalance_tolerance | 3 | hundredths of a percentage of inter-disk imbalance to tolerate |
_asm_instlock_quota | 0 | ASM Instance Lock Quota |
_asm_iostat_latch_count | 31 | ASM I/O statistics latch count |
_asm_kfdpevent | 0 | KFDP event |
_asm_kfioevent | 0 | KFIO event |
_asm_kill_unresponsive_clients | TRUE | kill unresponsive ASM clients |
_asm_libraries | ufs | library search order for discovery |
_asm_log_scale_rebalance | FALSE | Rebalance power uses logarithmic scale |
_asm_lsod_bucket_size | 13 | ASM lsod bucket size |
_asm_max_cod_strides | 5 | maximum number of COD strides |
_asm_max_redo_buffer_size | 2097152 | asm maximum redo buffer size |
_asm_maxio | 1048576 | Maximum size of individual I/O request |
_asm_partner_target_disk_part | 8 | target maximum number of disk partners for repartnering |
_asm_partner_target_fg_rel | 4 | target maximum number of failure group relationships for repartnering |
_asm_primary_load | 1 | Number of cycles/extents to load for non-mirrored files |
_asm_primary_load_cycles | TRUE | True if primary load is in cycles, false if extent counts |
_asm_random_zone | FALSE | Random zones for new files |
_asm_rebalance_plan_size | 120 | maximum rebalance work unit |
_asm_rebalance_space_errors | 4 | number of out of space errors allowed before aborting rebalance |
_asm_repairquantum | 60 | quantum (in 3s) used to compute elapsed time for disk drop |
_asm_reserve_slaves | TRUE | reserve ASM slaves for CF txns |
_asm_root_directory | ASM | ASM default root directory |
_asm_runtime_capability_volume_support | FALSE | runtime capability for volume support returns supported |
_asm_secondary_load | 10000 | Number of cycles/extents to load for mirrored files |
_asm_secondary_load_cycles | FALSE | True if secondary load is in cycles, false if extent counts |
_asm_serialize_volume_rebalance | FALSE | Serialize volume rebalance |
_asm_shadow_cycle | 3 | Inverse shadow cycle requirement |
_asm_skip_rename_check | FALSE | skip the checking of the clients for s/w compatibility for rename |
_asm_skip_resize_check | FALSE | skip the checking of the clients for s/w compatibility for resize |
_asm_storagemaysplit | FALSE | PST Split Possible |
_asm_stripesize | 131072 | ASM file stripe size |
_asm_stripewidth | 8 | ASM file stripe width |
_asm_sync_rebalance | FALSE | Rebalance uses sync I/O |
_asm_usd_batch | 64 | ASM USD Update Max Batch Size |
_asm_wait_time | 18 | Max/imum time to wait before asmb exits |
_asmlib_test | 0 | Osmlib test event |
_asmsid | asm | ASM instance id |
_assm_default | TRUE | ASSM default |
_assm_force_fetchmeta | FALSE | enable metadata block fetching in ASSM segment scan |
_assm_high_gsp_threshold | 11024 | Number of blocks rejected before growing segment |
_assm_low_gsp_threshold | 10000 | Number of blocks rejected before collecting stats |
_async_recovery_claims | TRUE | if TRUE, issue recovery claims asynchronously |
_async_recovery_reads | TRUE | if TRUE, issue recovery reads asynchronously |
_async_ts_threshold | 1 | check tablespace thresholds asynchronously |
_auto_assign_cg_for_sessions | FALSE | auto assign CGs for sessions |
_auto_bmr | enabled | enable/disable Auto BMR |
_auto_bmr_bg_time | 3600 | Auto BMR Process Run Time |
_auto_bmr_fc_time | 60 | Auto BMR Flood Control Time |
_auto_bmr_pub_timeout | 10 | Auto BMR Publish Timeout |
_auto_bmr_req_timeout | 60 | Auto BMR Requester Timeout |
_auto_bmr_sess_threshold | 30 | Auto BMR Request Session Threshold |
_auto_bmr_sys_threshold | 100 | Auto BMR Request System Threshold |
_auto_manage_enable_offline_check | TRUE | perodically check for OFFLINE disks and attempt to ONLINE |
_auto_manage_exadata_disks | TRUE | Automate Exadata disk management |
_auto_manage_infreq_tout | 0 | TEST: Set infrequent timeout action to run at this interval, unit is seconds |
_auto_manage_ioctl_bufsz | 8192 | oss_ioctl buffer size, to read and respond to cell notifications |
_auto_manage_max_online_tries | 3 | Max. attempts to auto ONLINE an ASM disk |
_auto_manage_num_pipe_msgs | 1000 | Max. number of out-standing msgs in the KXDAM pipe |
_auto_manage_num_tries | 2 | Num. tries before giving up on a automation operation |
_auto_manage_online_tries_expire_time | 86400 | Allow Max. attempts to auto ONLINE an ASM disk after lapsing this time (unit in seconds) |
_automatic_maintenance_test | 0 | Enable AUTOTASK Test Mode |
_automemory_broker_interval | 3 | memory broker statistics gathering interval for auto memory |
_autotask_max_window | 480 | Maximum Logical Maintenance Window Length in minutes |
_autotask_min_window | 15 | Minimum Maintenance Window Length in minutes |
_autotune_gtx_idle_time | 600 | idle time to trigger auto-shutdown a gtx background process |
_autotune_gtx_interval | 5 | interval to autotune global transaction background processes |
_autotune_gtx_threshold | 60 | auto-tune threshold for degree of global transaction concurrency |
_available_core_count | 0 | number of cores for this instance |
_avoid_prepare | TRUE | if TRUE, do not prepare a buffer when the master is local |
_awr_corrupt_mode | FALSE | AWR Corrupt Mode |
_awr_disabled_flush_tables | Disable flushing of specified AWR tables | |
_awr_flush_threshold_metrics | TRUE | Enable/Disable Flushing AWR Threshold Metrics |
_awr_flush_workload_metrics | FALSE | Enable/Disable Flushing AWR Workload Metrics |
_awr_mmon_cpuusage | TRUE | Enable/disable AWR MMON CPU Usage Tracking |
_awr_mmon_deep_purge_extent | 7 | Set extent of rows to check each deep purge run |
_awr_mmon_deep_purge_interval | 7 | Set interval for deep purge of AWR contents |
_awr_mmon_deep_purge_numrows | 5000 | Set max number of rows per table to delete each deep purge run |
_awr_restrict_mode | FALSE | AWR Restrict Mode |
_awr_sql_child_limit | 200 | Setting for AWR SQL Child Limit |
_b_tree_bitmap_plans | TRUE | enable the use of bitmap plans for tables w. only B-tree indexes |
_backup_align_write_io | TRUE | align backup write I/Os |
_backup_automatic_retry | 10 | automatic retry on backup write errors |
_backup_disk_bufcnt | 0 | number of buffers used for DISK channels |
_backup_disk_bufsz | 0 | size of buffers used for DISK channels |
_backup_disk_io_slaves | 0 | BACKUP Disk I/O slaves |
_backup_dynamic_buffers | TRUE | dynamically compute backup/restore buffer sizes |
_backup_encrypt_opt_mode | 4294967294 | specifies encryption block optimization mode |
_backup_file_bufcnt | 0 | number of buffers used for file access |
_backup_file_bufsz | 0 | size of buffers used for file access |
_backup_io_pool_size | 1048576 | memory to reserve from the large pool |
_backup_kgc_blksiz | 9 | specifies buffer size to be used by HIGH compression |
_backup_kgc_bufsz | 0 | specifies buffer size to be used by BASIC compression |
_backup_kgc_memlevel | 8 | specifies memory level for MEDIUM compression |
_backup_kgc_niters | 0 | specifies number of iterations done by BASIC compression |
_backup_kgc_perflevel | 1 | specifies compression (performance) level for MEDIUM compression |
_backup_kgc_scheme | ZLIB | specifies compression scheme |
_backup_kgc_type | 0 | specifies compression type used by kgc BASIC compression |
_backup_kgc_windowbits | 15 | specifies window size for MEDIUM compression |
_backup_ksfq_bufcnt | 0 | number of buffers used for backup/restore |
_backup_ksfq_bufcnt_max | 64 | maximum number of buffers used for backup/restore |
_backup_ksfq_bufsz | 0 | size of buffers used for backup/restore |
_backup_lzo_size | 262144 | specifies buffer size for LOW compression |
_backup_max_gap_size | 4294967294 | largest gap in an incremental/optimized backup buffer, in bytes |
_backup_seq_bufcnt | 0 | number of buffers used for non-DISK channels |
_backup_seq_bufsz | 0 | size of buffers used for non-DISK channels |
_bct_bitmaps_per_file | 8 | number of bitmaps to store for each datafile |
_bct_buffer_allocation_max | 104857600 | maximum size of all change tracking buffer allocations, in bytes |
_bct_buffer_allocation_min_extents | 1 | mininum number of extents to allocate per buffer allocation |
_bct_buffer_allocation_size | 2097152 | size of one change tracking buffer allocation, in bytes |
_bct_chunk_size | 0 | change tracking datafile chunk size, in bytes |
_bct_crash_reserve_size | 262144 | change tracking reserved crash recovery SGA space, in bytes |
_bct_file_block_size | 0 | block size of change tracking file, in bytes |
_bct_file_extent_size | 0 | extent size of change tracking file, in bytes |
_bct_fixtab_file | change tracking file for fixed tables | |
_bct_health_check_interval | 60 | CTWR health check interval (seconds), zero to disable |
_bct_initial_private_dba_buffer_size | 0 | initial number of entries in the private change tracking dba buffers |
_bct_public_dba_buffer_size | 0 | total size of all public change tracking dba buffers, in bytes |
_bitmap_or_improvement_enabled | TRUE | controls extensions to partition pruning for general predicates |
_block_sample_readahead_prob_threshold | 10 | controls readahead value during block sampling |
_blocking_sess_graph_cache_size | blocking session graph cache size in bytes | |
_blocks_per_cache_server | 32 | number of consecutive blocks per global cache server |
_bloom_filter_debug | 0 | debug level for bloom filtering |
_bloom_filter_enabled | TRUE | enables or disables bloom filter |
_bloom_folding_density | 16 | bloom filter folding density lower bound |
_bloom_folding_enabled | TRUE | Enable folding of bloom filter |
_bloom_folding_min | 131072 | bloom filter folding size lower bound |
_bloom_max_size | 268435456 | bloom filter maximum size in bytes |
_bloom_minmax_enabled | TRUE | enable or disable bloom min max filtering |
_bloom_predicate_enabled | TRUE | enables or disables bloom filter predicate pushdown |
_bloom_predicate_pushdown_to_storage | TRUE | enables or disables bloom filter predicate pushdown to storage |
_bloom_pruning_enabled | TRUE | Enable partition pruning using bloom filtering |
_bloom_pushing_max | 512 | bloom filter pushing size upper bound |
_bloom_pushing_total_max | 262144 | bloom filter combined pushing size (DOP x filter size) upper bound |
_bloom_vector_elements | 0 | number of elements in a bloom filter vector |
_bmr_prefered_standby | standby db_unique_name prefered for standby BMR | |
_branch_tagging | TRUE | enable branch tagging for distributed transaction |
_broadcast_scn_wait_timeout | 10 | broadcast-on-commit scn wait timeout in centiseconds |
_bsln_adaptive_thresholds_enabled | TRUE | Adaptive Thresholds Enabled |
_bt_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled | TRUE | allow rewrites with multiple MVs and base tables |
_buffer_busy_wait_timeout | 100 | buffer busy wait time in centiseconds |
_buffered_message_spill_age | 300 | Buffered message spill age |
_buffered_publisher_flow_control_threshold | 0 | Flow control threshold for buffered publishers except capture |
_bufq_stop_flow_control | FALSE | Stop enforcing flow control for buffered queues |
_build_deferred_mv_skipping_mvlog_update | TRUE | DEFERRED MV creation skipping MV log setup update |
_bump_highwater_mark_count | 0 | how many blocks should we allocate per free list on advancing HWM |
_bwr_for_flushed_pi | TRUE | if TRUE, generate a BWR for a flushed PI |
_bypass_srl_for_so_eor | FALSE | bypass SRL for S/O EOR logs |
_bypass_xplatform_error | FALSE | bypass datafile header cross-platform-compliance errors |
_cache_stats_monitor | FALSE | if TRUE, enable cache stats monitoring |
_capture_buffer_size | 65536 | To set the size of the PGA I/O recording buffers |
_capture_publisher_flow_control_threshold | 0 | Flow control threshold for capture publishers |
_case_sensitive_logon | TRUE | case sensitive logon enabled |
_causal_standby_wait_timeout | 20 | Causal standby wait timeout |
_cdc_subscription_owner | Change Data Capture subscription_owner | |
_cdmp_diagnostic_level | 2 | cdmp directory diagnostic level |
_cell_fast_file_create | TRUE | Allow optimized file creation path for Cells |
_cell_fast_file_restore | TRUE | Allow optimized rman restore for Cells |
_cell_file_format_chunk_size | 0 | Cell file format chunk size in MB |
_cell_index_scan_enabled | TRUE | enable CELL processing of index FFS |
_cell_offload_capabilities_enabled | 1 | specifies capability table to load |
_cell_offload_hybridcolumnar | TRUE | Query offloading of hybrid columnar compressed tables to exadata |
_cell_offload_predicate_reordering_enabled | FALSE | enable out-of-order SQL processing offload to cells |
_cell_offload_timezone | TRUE | enable timezone related SQL processing offload to cells |
_cell_offload_virtual_columns | TRUE | enable offload of predicates on virtual columns to cells |
_cell_range_scan_enabled | TRUE | enable CELL processing of index range scans |
_cell_storidx_mode | EVA | Cell Storage Index mode |
_cgs_allgroup_poll_time | 20000 | CGS DBALL group polling interval in milli-seconds |
_cgs_dball_group_registration | local | CGS DBALL group registration type |
_cgs_dbgroup_poll_time | 600 | CGS DB group polling interval in milli-seconds |
_cgs_health_check_in_reconfig | TRUE | CGS health check during reconfiguration |
_cgs_node_kill_escalation | TRUE | CGS node kill escalation to CSS |
_cgs_node_kill_escalation_wait | 0 | CGS wait time to escalate node kill to CSS in seconds |
_cgs_reconfig_extra_wait | 3 | CGS reconfiguration extra wait time for CSS in seconds |
_cgs_reconfig_timeout | 0 | CGS reconfiguration timeout interval |
_cgs_send_timeout | 300 | CGS send timeout value |
_cgs_tickets | 1000 | CGS messaging tickets |
_cgs_zombie_member_kill_wait | 20 | CGS zombie member kill wait time in seconds |
_change_vector_buffers | 1 | Number of change vector buffers for media recovery |
_check_block_after_checksum | TRUE | perform block check after checksum if both are turned on |
_check_block_new_invariant_for_flashback | FALSE | check block new invariant for flashback |
_check_column_length | TRUE | check column length |
_check_ts_threshold | 0 | check tablespace thresholds |
_cleanup_rollback_entries | 100 | no. of undo entries to apply per transaction cleanup |
_cleanup_timeout | 150 | timeout value for PMON cleanup |
_cleanup_timeout_flags | 2 | flags for PMON cleanup timeout |
_clear_buffer_before_reuse | FALSE | Always zero-out buffer before reuse for security |
_client_ntfn_cleanup_interval | 2400 | interval after which dead client registration cleanup task repeats |
_client_ntfn_pinginterval | 75 | time between pings to unreachable notification clients |
_client_ntfn_pingretries | 6 | number of times to ping unreachable notification clients |
_client_ntfn_pingtimeout | 30000 | timeout to connect to unreachable notification clients |
_client_result_cache_bypass | FALSE | bypass the client result cache |
_client_tstz_error_check | TRUE | Should Client give error for suspect Timestamp with Timezone operations |
_close_cached_open_cursors | FALSE | close cursors cached by PL/SQL at each commit |
_close_deq_by_cond_curs | FALSE | Close Dequeue By Condition Cursors |
_cluster_library | clss | cluster library selection |
_clusterwide_global_transactions | TRUE | enable/disable clusterwide global transactions |
_collapse_wait_history | FALSE | collapse wait history |
_collect_undo_stats | TRUE | Collect Statistics v$undostat |
_column_compression_factor | 0 | Column compression ratio |
_column_elimination_off | FALSE | turn off predicate-only column elimination |
_column_tracking_level | 1 | column usage tracking |
_compilation_call_heap_extent_size | 16384 | Size of the compilation call heaps extents |
_complex_view_merging | TRUE | enable complex view merging |
_compression_above_cache | 0 | number of recompression above cache for sanity check |
_compression_advisor | 0 | Compression advisor |
_compression_chain | 90 | percentage of chained rows allowed for Compression |
_compression_compatibility | | Compression compatability |
_connect_by_use_union_all | TRUE | use union all for connect by |
_connection_broker_host | connection broker host for listen address | |
_controlfile_autobackup_delay | 300 | time delay (in seconds) for performing controlfile autobackups |
_controlfile_backup_copy_check | TRUE | enable check of the copied blocks during controlfile backup copy |
_controlfile_block_size | 0 | control file block size in bytes |
_controlfile_enqueue_dump | FALSE | dump the system states after controlfile enqueue timeout |
_controlfile_enqueue_holding_time | 120 | control file enqueue max holding time in seconds |
_controlfile_enqueue_holding_time_tracking_size | 10 | control file enqueue holding time tracking size |
_controlfile_enqueue_timeout | 900 | control file enqueue timeout in seconds |
_controlfile_section_init_size | control file initial section size | |
_controlfile_section_max_expand | control file max expansion rate | |
_controlfile_update_check | OFF | controlfile update sanity check |
_convert_set_to_join | FALSE | enables conversion of set operator to join |
_coord_message_buffer | 0 | parallel recovery coordinator side extra message buffer size |
_corrupted_rollback_segments | corrupted undo segment list | |
_cost_equality_semi_join | TRUE | enables costing of equality semi-join |
_cp_num_hash_latches | 1 | connection pool number of hash latches |
_cpu_to_io | 0 | divisor for converting CPU cost to I/O cost |
_cr_grant_global_role | TRUE | if TRUE, grant lock for CR requests when block is in global role |
_cr_grant_local_role | AUTO | turn 3-way CR grants off, make it automatic, or turn it on |
_cr_grant_only | FALSE | if TRUE, grant locks when possible and do not send the block |
_cr_server_log_flush | TRUE | if TRUE, flush redo log before serving a CR buffer |
_cr_trc_buf_size | 8192 | size of cr trace buffer |
_create_table_in_any_cluster | FALSE | allow creation of table in a cluster not owned by the user |
_cursor_bind_capture_area_size | 400 | maximum size of the cursor bind capture area |
_cursor_bind_capture_interval | 900 | interval (in seconds) between two bind capture for a cursor |
_cursor_cache_time | 900 | number of seconds a session cached cursor stay in cache. |
_cursor_db_buffers_pinned | 880 | additional number of buffers a cursor can pin at once |
_cursor_features_enabled | 2 | Shared cursor features enabled bits. |
_cursor_obsolete_threshold | 100 | Number of cursors per parent before obsoletion. |
_cursor_plan_enabled | TRUE | enable collection and display of cursor plans |
_cursor_plan_hash_version | 1 | version of cursor plan hash value |
_cursor_plan_unparse_enabled | TRUE | enables/disables using unparse to build projection/predicates |
_cursor_runtimeheap_memlimit | 5242880 | Shared cursor runtime heap memory limit |
_cursor_stats_enabled | TRUE | Enable cursor stats |
_cvw_enable_weak_checking | TRUE | enable weak view checking |
_datafile_cow | FALSE | Use copy on write snapshot for the renamed file |
_datafile_write_errors_crash_instance | TRUE | datafile write errors crash instance |
_db_16k_flash_cache_file | flash cache file for 16k block size | |
_db_16k_flash_cache_size | 0 | flash cache size for _db_16k_flash_cache_file |
_db_2k_flash_cache_file | flash cache file for 2k block size | |
_db_2k_flash_cache_size | 0 | flash cache size for _db_2k_flash_cache_file |
_db_32k_flash_cache_file | flash cache file for 32k block size | |
_db_32k_flash_cache_size | 0 | flash cache size for _db_32k_flash_cache_file |
_db_4k_flash_cache_file | flash cache file for 4k block size | |
_db_4k_flash_cache_size | 0 | flash cache size for _db_4k_flash_cache_file |
_db_8k_flash_cache_file | flash cache file for 8k block size | |
_db_8k_flash_cache_size | 0 | flash cache size for _db_8k_flash_cache_file |
_db_aging_cool_count | 1 | Touch count set when buffer cooled |
_db_aging_freeze_cr | FALSE | Make CR buffers always be too cold to keep in cache |
_db_aging_hot_criteria | 2 | Touch count which sends a buffer to head of replacement list |
_db_aging_stay_count | 0 | Touch count set when buffer moved to head of replacement list |
_db_aging_touch_time | 3 | Touch count which sends a buffer to head of replacement list |
_db_always_check_system_ts | TRUE | Always perform block check and checksum for System tablespace |
_db_block_adjcheck | TRUE | adjacent cache buffer checks - low blkchk overwrite parameter |
_db_block_adjchk_level | 0 | adjacent cache buffer check level |
_db_block_align_direct_read | TRUE | Align Direct Reads |
_db_block_bad_write_check | FALSE | enable bad write checks |
_db_block_buffers | 1323000 | Number of database blocks cached in memory: hidden parameter |
_db_block_cache_clone | FALSE | Always clone data blocks on get (for debugging) |
_db_block_cache_history | 0 | buffer header tracing (non-zero only when debugging) |
_db_block_cache_history_level | 2 | buffer header tracing level |
_db_block_cache_num_umap | 0 | number of unmapped buffers (for tracking swap calls on blocks) |
_db_block_cache_protect | FALSE | protect database blocks (true only when debugging) |
_db_block_cache_protect_internal | 0 | protect database blocks (for strictly internal use only) |
_db_block_check_for_debug | FALSE | Check more and dump block before image for debugging |
_db_block_check_objtyp | TRUE | check objd and typ on cache disk read |
_db_block_chunkify_ncmbr | FALSE | chunkify noncontig multi block reads |
_db_block_corruption_recovery_threshold | 5 | threshold number of block recovery attempts |
_db_block_do_full_mbreads | FALSE | do full block read even if some blocks are in cache |
_db_block_hash_buckets | 4194304 | Number of database block hash buckets |
_db_block_hash_latches | 131072 | Number of database block hash latches |
_db_block_header_guard_level | 0 | number of extra buffer headers to use as guard pages |
_db_block_hi_priority_batch_size | 0 | Fraction of writes for high priority reasons |
_db_block_known_clean_pct | 2 | Initial Percentage of buffers to maintain known clean |
_db_block_lru_latches | 128 | number of lru latches |
_db_block_max_cr_dba | 6 | Maximum Allowed Number of CR buffers per dba |
_db_block_max_scan_pct | 40 | Percentage of buffers to inspect when looking for free |
_db_block_med_priority_batch_size | 0 | Fraction of writes for medium priority reasons |
_db_block_numa | 1 | Number of NUMA nodes |
_db_block_prefetch_fast_longjumps_enabled | TRUE | Batched IO enable fast longjumps |
_db_block_prefetch_limit | 0 | Prefetch limit in blocks |
_db_block_prefetch_override | 0 | Prefetch force override in blocks |
_db_block_prefetch_private_cache_enabled | TRUE | Batched IO enable private cache |
_db_block_prefetch_quota | 10 | Prefetch quota as a percent of cache size |
_db_block_prefetch_skip_reading_enabled | TRUE | Batched IO enable skip reading buffers |
_db_block_table_scan_buffer_size | 4194304 | Size of shared table scan read buffer |
_db_block_temp_redo | FALSE | generate redo for temp blocks |
_db_block_trace_protect | FALSE | trace buffer protect calls |
_db_block_vlm_check | FALSE | check of rvlm mapping leaks (for debugging) |
_db_block_vlm_leak_threshold | 3 | Threshold for allowable vlm leaks |
_db_blocks_per_hash_latch | Number of blocks per hash latch | |
_db_cache_advice_max_size_factor | 2 | cache advisory maximum multiple of current size to similate |
_db_cache_advice_sample_factor | 4 | cache advisory sampling factor |
_db_cache_advice_sanity_check | FALSE | cache simulation sanity check |
_db_cache_block_read_stack_trace | 0 | dump short call stack for block reads |
_db_cache_crx_check | FALSE | check for costly crx examination functions |
_db_cache_miss_check_les | FALSE | check LEs after cache miss |
_db_cache_mman_latch_check | FALSE | check for wait latch get under MMAN ops in kcb |
_db_cache_pre_warm | TRUE | Buffer Cache Pre-Warm Enabled : hidden parameter |
_db_cache_process_cr_pin_max | maximum number of cr pins a process may have | |
_db_cache_wait_debug | 0 | trace new kslwaits |
_db_change_notification_enable | TRUE | enable db change notification |
_db_check_cell_hints | FALSE | |
_db_disable_temp_encryption | FALSE | Disable Temp Encryption for Spills |
_db_dump_from_disk_noefc | 0 | dump reading buffer contents |
_db_fast_obj_check | FALSE | enable fast object drop sanity check |
_db_fast_obj_ckpt | TRUE | enable fast object checkpoint |
_db_fast_obj_truncate | TRUE | enable fast object truncate |
_db_file_direct_io_count | 1048576 | Sequential I/O buf size |
_db_file_exec_read_count | 128 | multiblock read count for regular clients |
_db_file_format_io_buffers | 4 | Block formatting I/O buf count |
_db_file_noncontig_mblock_read_count | 11 | number of noncontiguous db blocks to be prefetched |
_db_file_optimizer_read_count | 8 | multiblock read count for regular clients |
_db_flash_cache_force_replenish_limit | 8 | Flash cache force replenish lower limit in buffers |
_db_flash_cache_keep_limit | 1342177280 | Flash cache keep buffer upper limit in percentage |
_db_flash_cache_write_limit | 16777216 | Flash cache write buffer upper limit in percentage |
_db_flashback_iobuf_size | 1 | Flashback IO Buffer Size |
_db_flashback_log_min_size | 16777216 | Minimum flashback database log size in bytes |
_db_flashback_log_min_total_space | 0 | Minimum flashback database log total space in bytes |
_db_flashback_num_iobuf | 32 | Flashback Number of IO buffers |
_db_handles | 12000 | System-wide simultaneous buffer operations |
_db_handles_cached | 8 | Buffer handles cached each process |
_db_hot_block_tracking | FALSE | track hot blocks for hash latch contention |
_db_index_block_checking | TRUE | index block checking override parameter |
_db_initial_cachesize_create_mb | 256 | size of cache created at startup |
_db_l2_tracing | 0 | flash cache debug tracing |
_db_large_dirty_queue | 25 | Number of buffers which force dirty queue to be written |
_db_lost_write_checking | 0 | Enable scn based lost write detection mechanism |
_db_lost_write_tracing | FALSE | Enable _db_lost_write_checking tracing |
_db_mttr_advice | ON | MTTR advisory |
_db_mttr_partitions | 0 | number of partitions for MTTR advisory |
_db_mttr_sample_factor | 64 | MTTR simulation sampling factor |
_db_mttr_sim_target | MTTR simulation targets | |
_db_mttr_sim_trace_size | 256 | MTTR simulation trace size |
_db_mttr_trace_to_alert | FALSE | dump trace entries to alert file |
_db_noarch_disble_optim | FALSE | Image redo logging (NOARCHIVEMODE) |
_db_num_evict_waitevents | 64 | number of evict wait events |
_db_obj_enable_ksr | TRUE | enable ksr in object checkpoint/reuse |
_db_percent_hot_default | 50 | Percent of default buffer pool considered hot |
_db_percent_hot_keep | 0 | Percent of keep buffer pool considered hot |
_db_percent_hot_recycle | 0 | Percent of recycle buffer pool considered hot |
_db_percpu_create_cachesize | 2 | size of cache created per cpu in deferred cache create |
_db_prefetch_histogram_statistics | FALSE | maintain prefetch histogram statistics in x$kcbprfhs |
_db_recovery_temporal_file_dest | default database recovery temporal file location | |
_db_required_percent_fairshare_usage | 10 | percent of fairshare a processor group should always use |
_db_row_overlap_checking | TRUE | row overlap checking override parameter for data/index blocks |
_db_todefer_cache_create | TRUE | buffer cache deferred create |
_db_writer_chunk_writes | 0 | Number of writes DBWR should wait for |
_db_writer_coalesce_area_size | 4194304 | Size of memory allocated to dbwriter for coalescing writes |
_db_writer_coalesce_write_limit | 131072 | Limit on size of coalesced write |
_db_writer_flush_imu | TRUE | If FALSE, DBWR will not downgrade IMU txns for AGING |
_db_writer_histogram_statistics | FALSE | maintain dbwr histogram statistics in x$kcbbhs |
_db_writer_max_writes | 0 | Max number of outstanding DB Writer IOs |
_db_writer_nomemcopy_coalesce | FALSE | Enable DBWR no-memcopy coalescing |
_db_writer_verify_writes | FALSE | Enable lost write detection mechanism |
_dbg_proc_startup | FALSE | debug process startup |
_dbms_sql_security_level | 1 | Security level in DBMS_SQL |
_dbrm_dynamic_threshold | 16843752 | DBRM dynamic threshold setting |
_dbrm_num_runnable_list | 0 | Resource Manager number of runnable list per NUMA node |
_dbrm_quantum | DBRM quantum | |
_dbrm_runchk | 0 | Resource Manager Diagnostic Running Thread Check |
_dbrm_short_wait_us | 300 | Resource Manager short wait length |
_dbwr_async_io | TRUE | Enable dbwriter asynchronous writes |
_dbwr_scan_interval | 300 | dbwriter scan interval |
_dbwr_tracing | 0 | Enable dbwriter tracing |
_dde_flood_control_init | TRUE | Initialize Flood Control at database open |
_dead_process_scan_interval | 60 | PMON dead process scan interval (in seconds) |
_deadlock_diagnostic_level | 2 | automatic deadlock resolution diagnostics level |
_deadlock_resolution_incidents_always | FALSE | create incidents when resolving any deadlock? |
_deadlock_resolution_incidents_enabled | TRUE | create incidents during deadlock resolution |
_deadlock_resolution_level | 1 | automatic deadlock resolution level |
_deadlock_resolution_min_wait_timeout_secs | 60 | the minimum wait timeout required for deadlock resolution |
_deadlock_resolution_signal_process_thresh_secs | 60 | the amount of time given to process a deadlock resolution signal |
_dedicated_server_poll_count | 10 | dedicated server poll count |
_dedicated_server_post_wait | FALSE | dedicated server post/wait |
_dedicated_server_post_wait_call | FALSE | dedicated server post/wait call |
_default_encrypt_alg | 0 | default encryption algorithm |
_default_non_equality_sel_check | TRUE | sanity check on default selectivity for like/range predicate |
_defer_eor_orl_arch_for_so | FALSE | defer EOR ORL archival for switchover |
_defer_log_boundary_ckpt | TRUE | defer media recovery checkpoint at log boundary |
_defer_log_count | 2 | Number of log boundaries media recovery checkpoint lags behind |
_defer_rcv_during_sw_to_sby | FALSE | Defer recovery during switchover to standby |
_deferred_constant_folding_mode | DEFAULT | Deferred constant folding mode |
_deferred_log_dest_is_valid | TRUE | consider deferred log dest as valid for log deletion (TRUE/FALSE) |
_delay_index_maintain | TRUE | delays index maintenance until after MV is refreshed |
_delta_push_share_blockers | 0 | enable delta push if greater than the # of share blockers |
_deq_execute_reset_time | 30 | deq execute reset time |
_deq_ht_child_latches | 8 | deq ht child latches |
_deq_ht_max_elements | 100000 | deq ht max elements |
_deq_large_txn_size | 25000 | deq large txn size |
_deq_log_array_size | 10000 | deq log array size |
_deq_max_fetch_count | 10 | deq max fetch count |
_deq_maxwait_time | 0 | Change wait times between dequeue calls |
_desired_readmem_rate | 90 | The desired percentage of redo reading from memory |
_dg_broker_trace_level | data guard broker trace level | |
_dg_cf_check_timer | 15 | Data Guard controlfile check timer |
_dg_corrupt_redo_log | 0 | Corrupt redo log validation during archivals |
_diag_adr_auto_purge | TRUE | Enable/disable ADR MMON Auto Purging |
_diag_adr_enabled | TRUE | Parameter to enable/disable Diag ADR |
_diag_adr_test_param | 0 | Test parameter for Diagnosability |
_diag_arb_before_kill | FALSE | dump diagnostics before killing unresponsive ARBs |
_diag_backward_compat | TRUE | Backward Compatibility for Diagnosability |
_diag_cc_enabled | TRUE | Parameter to enable/disable Diag Call Context |
_diag_conf_cap_enabled | TRUE | Parameter to enable/disable Diag Configuration Capture |
_diag_crashdump_level | 10 | parameter for systemstate dump level, used by DIAG during crash |
_diag_daemon | TRUE | start DIAG daemon |
_diag_dde_async_age_limit | 300 | diag dde async actions: message age limit (in seconds) |
_diag_dde_async_cputime_limit | 300 | diag dde async actions: action cputime limit (in seconds) |
_diag_dde_async_mode | 1 | diag dde async actions: dispatch mode |
_diag_dde_async_msg_capacity | 1024 | diag dde async actions: message buffer capacity |
_diag_dde_async_msgs | 50 | diag dde async actions: number of preallocated message buffers |
_diag_dde_async_process_rate | 5 | diag dde async actions: message processing rate - per loop |
_diag_dde_async_runtime_limit | 900 | diag dde async actions: action runtime limit (in seconds) |
_diag_dde_async_slaves | 5 | diag dde async actions: max number of concurrent slave processes |
_diag_dde_enabled | TRUE | enable DDE handling of critical errors |
_diag_dde_fc_enabled | TRUE | Parameter to enable/disable Diag Flood Control |
_diag_dde_fc_implicit_time | 0 | Override Implicit Error Flood Control time parameter |
_diag_dde_fc_macro_time | 0 | Override Macro Error Flood Control time parameter |
_diag_dde_inc_proc_delay | 1 | The minimum delay between two MMON incident sweeps (minutes) |
_diag_diagnostics | TRUE | Turn off diag diagnostics |
_diag_dump_request_debug_level | 1 | DIAG dump request debug level (0-2) |
_diag_dump_timeout | 30 | timeout parameter for SYNC dump |
_diag_enable_startup_events | FALSE | enable events in instance startup notifiers |
_diag_hm_rc_enabled | TRUE | Parameter to enable/disable Diag HM Reactive Checks |
_diag_hm_tc_enabled | FALSE | Parameter to enable/disable Diag HM Test(dummy) Checks |
_diag_proc_enabled | TRUE | enable hung process diagnostic API |
_diag_proc_max_time_ms | 30000 | hung process diagnostic API max wait time in milliseconds |
_diag_proc_stack_capture_type | 1 | hung process diagnostic API stack capture type |
_diag_uts_control | 0 | UTS control parameter |
_diag_verbose_error_on_init | 0 | Allow verbose error tracing on diag init |
_dimension_skip_null | TRUE | control dimension skip when null feature |
_direct_io_skip_cur_slot_on_error | TRUE | Skip current slot on error |
_direct_io_slots | 0 | number of slots for direct path I/O |
_direct_io_wslots | 0 | number of write slots for direct path I/O |
_direct_path_insert_features | 0 | disable direct path insert features |
_direct_read_decision_statistics_driven | TRUE | enable direct read decision based on optimizer statistics |
_disable_12751 | FALSE | disable policy timeout error (ORA-12751) |
_disable_active_influx_move | FALSE | disable active influx move during parallel media recovery |
_disable_adaptive_shrunk_aggregation | FALSE | adaptive shrunk aggregation |
_disable_appliance_check | FALSE | Disable checking for appliance bread crumbs |
_disable_appliance_partnering | FALSE | Disable partnering mode for appliance |
_disable_autotune_gtx | FALSE | disable autotune global transaction background processes |
_disable_block_checking | FALSE | disable block checking at the session level |
_disable_cell_optimized_backups | FALSE | disable cell optimized backups |
_disable_cpu_check | FALSE | disable cpu_count check |
_disable_cursor_sharing | FALSE | disable cursor sharing |
_disable_datalayer_sampling | FALSE | disable datalayer sampling |
_disable_duplex_link | TRUE | Turn off connection duplexing |
_disable_fast_aggregation | FALSE | fast aggregation |
_disable_fast_validate | FALSE | disable PL/SQL fast validation |
_disable_fastopen | FALSE | Do Not Use Fastopen |
_disable_fba_qrw | 0 | disable flashback archiver query rewrite |
_disable_fba_wpr | 0 | disable flashback archiver wait for prepared transactions |
_disable_file_locks | FALSE | disable file locks for control, data, redo log files |
_disable_flashback_archiver | 0 | disable flashback archiver |
_disable_flashback_wait_callback | FALSE | Disable flashback wait callback |
_disable_function_based_index | FALSE | disable function-based index matching |
_disable_gvaq_cache | FALSE | Disable cache |
_disable_health_check | FALSE | Disable Health Check |
_disable_highres_ticks | FALSE | disable high-res tick counter |
_disable_image_check | FALSE | Disable Oracle executable image checking |
_disable_implicit_row_movement | FALSE | disable implicit row movement |
_disable_incremental_checkpoints | FALSE | Disable incremental checkpoints for thread recovery |
_disable_incremental_recovery_ckpt | FALSE | Disable incremental recovery checkpoint mechanism |
_disable_index_block_prefetching | FALSE | disable index block prefetching |
_disable_initial_block_compression | FALSE | disable initial block compression |
_disable_instance_params_check | FALSE | disable instance type check for ksp |
_disable_interface_checking | FALSE | disable interface checking at startup |
_disable_kcb_flashback_blocknew_opt | FALSE | Disable KCB flashback block new optimization |
_disable_kcbhxor_osd | FALSE | disable kcbh(c)xor OSD functionality |
_disable_kcbl_flashback_blocknew_opt | FALSE | Disable KCBL flashback block new optimization |
_disable_kgghshcrc32_osd | FALSE | disable kgghshcrc32chk OSD functionality |
_disable_latch_free_SCN_writes_via_32cas | FALSE | disable latch-free SCN writes using 32-bit compare & swap |
_disable_latch_free_SCN_writes_via_64cas | FALSE | disable latch-free SCN writes using 64-bit compare & swap |
_disable_logging | FALSE | Disable logging |
_disable_metrics_group | 0 | Disable Metrics Group (or all Metrics Groups) |
_disable_multiple_block_sizes | FALSE | disable multiple block size support (for debugging) |
_disable_odm | FALSE | disable odm feature |
_disable_parallel_conventional_load | FALSE | Disable parallel conventional loads |
_disable_primary_bitmap_switch | FALSE | disable primary bitmap switch |
_disable_read_only_open_dict_check | FALSE | Disable read-only open dictionary check |
_disable_rebalance_compact | FALSE | disable space usage checks for storage reconfiguration |
_disable_rebalance_space_check | FALSE | disable space usage checks for storage reconfiguration |
_disable_recovery_read_skip | FALSE | Disable the read optimization during media recovery |
_disable_sample_io_optim | FALSE | disable row sampling IO optimization |
_disable_savepoint_reset | FALSE | disable the fix for bug 1402161 |
_disable_selftune_checkpointing | FALSE | Disable self-tune checkpointing |
_disable_storage_type | FALSE | Disable storage type checks |
_disable_streams_diagnostics | 0 | streams diagnostics |
_disable_streams_pool_auto_tuning | FALSE | disable streams pool auto tuning |
_disable_sun_rsm | TRUE | Disable IPC OSD support for Sun RSMAPI |
_disable_system_state | 4294967294 | disable system state dump |
_disable_system_state_wait_samples | FALSE | Disable system state dump - wait samples |
_disable_temp_tablespace_alerts | FALSE | disable tablespace alerts for TEMPORARY tablespaces |
_disable_thread_internal_disable | FALSE | Disable thread internal disable feature |
_disable_thread_snapshot | TRUE | Thread snapshot |
_disable_txn_alert | 0 | disable txn layer alert |
_disable_undo_tablespace_alerts | FALSE | disable tablespace alerts for UNDO tablespaces |
_disable_wait_state | Disable wait state | |
_discrete_transactions_enabled | FALSE | enable OLTP mode |
_disk_sector_size_override | FALSE | if TRUE, OSD sector size could be overridden |
_diskmon_pipe_name | DiSKMon skgznp pipe name | |
_dispatcher_rate_scale | scale to display rate statistic (100ths of a second) | |
_dispatcher_rate_ttl | time-to-live for rate statistic (100ths of a second) | |
_distinct_view_unnesting | FALSE | enables unnesting of in subquery into distinct view |
_distributed_recovery_connection_hold_time | 200 | number of seconds RECO holds outbound connections open |
_dlmtrace | Trace string of global enqueue type(s) | |
_dm_max_shared_pool_pct | 1 | max percentage of the shared pool to use for a mining model |
_dml_batch_error_limit | 0 | number or error handles allocated for DML in batch mode |
_dml_frequency_tracking | FALSE | Control DML frequency tracking |
_dml_frequency_tracking_advance | TRUE | Control automatic advance and broadcast of DML frequencies |
_dml_frequency_tracking_slot_time | 15 | Time length of each slot for DML frequency tracking |
_dml_frequency_tracking_slots | 4 | Number of slots to use for DML frequency tracking |
_dml_monitoring_enabled | TRUE | enable modification monitoring |
_domain_index_batch_size | 2000 | maximum number of rows from one call to domain index fetch routine |
_domain_index_dml_batch_size | 200 | maximum number of rows for one call to domain index dml routines |
_dra_bmr_number_threshold | 1000 | Maximum number of BMRs that can be done to a file |
_dra_bmr_percent_threshold | 10 | Maximum percentage of blocks in a file that can be BMR-ed |
_dra_enable_offline_dictionary | FALSE | Enable the periodic creation of the offline dictionary for DRA |
_drm_parallel_freeze | TRUE | if TRUE enables parallel drm freeze |
_drop_flashback_logical_operations_enq | FALSE | Drop logical operations enqueue immediately during flashback marker generation |
_drop_table_granule | 256 | drop_table_granule |
_drop_table_optimization_enabled | TRUE | reduce SGA memory use during drop of a partitioned table |
_ds_enable_auto_txn | FALSE | Dynamic Sampling Service Autonomous Transaction control parameter |
_ds_iocount_iosize | 6553664 | Dynamic Sampling Service defaults: #IOs and IO Size |
_ds_parse_model | 2 | Dynamic Sampling Service Parse Model control parameter |
_dsc_feature_level | 0 | controls the feature level for deferred segment creation |
_dskm_health_check_cnt | 20 | DiSKMon health check counter |
_dss_cache_flush | FALSE | enable full cache flush for parallel execution |
_dtree_area_size | 131072 | size of Decision Tree Classification work area |
_dtree_binning_enabled | TRUE | Decision Tree Binning Enabled |
_dtree_bintest_id | 0 | Decision Tree Binning Test ID |
_dtree_compressbmp_enabled | TRUE | Decision Tree Using Compressed Bitmaps Enabled |
_dtree_max_surrogates | 1 | maximum number of surrogates |
_dtree_pruning_enabled | TRUE | Decision Tree Pruning Enabled |
_dummy_instance | FALSE | dummy instance started by RMAN |
_dump_common_subexpressions | FALSE | dump common subexpressions |
_dump_connect_by_loop_data | FALSE | dump connect by loop error message into trc file |
_dump_cursor_heap_sizes | FALSE | dump comp/exec heap sizes to tryace file |
_dump_interval_limit | 120 | trace dump time interval limit (in seconds) |
_dump_max_limit | 5 | max number of dump within dump interval |
_dump_qbc_tree | 0 | dump top level query parse tree to trace |
_dump_rcvr_ipc | TRUE | if TRUE enables IPC dump at instance eviction time |
_dump_system_state_scope | local | scope of sysstate dump during instance termination |
_dump_trace_scope | global | scope of trace dump during a process crash |
_dynamic_rls_policies | TRUE | rls policies are dynamic |
_dynamic_stats_threshold | 30 | delay threshold (in seconds) between sending statistics messages |
_eighteenth_spare_parameter | eighteenth spare parameter - string list | |
_eighth_spare_parameter | eighth spare parameter - integer | |
_eliminate_common_subexpr | TRUE | enables elimination of common sub-expressions |
_emon_max_active_connections | 256 | maximum open connections to clients per emon |
_emon_outbound_connect_timeout | 30000 | timeout for completing connection set up to clients |
_emon_regular_ntfn_slaves | 4 | number of EMON slaves doing regular database notifications |
_enable_Front_End_View_Optimization | 1 | enable front end view optimization |
_enable_LGPG_debug | FALSE | Enable LGPG debug mode |
_enable_NUMA_interleave | TRUE | Enable NUMA interleave mode |
_enable_NUMA_optimization | FALSE | Enable NUMA specific optimizations |
_enable_NUMA_support | FALSE | Enable NUMA support and optimizations |
_enable_asyncvio | FALSE | enable asynch vectored I/O |
_enable_automatic_maintenance | 1 | if 1, Automated Maintenance Is Enabled |
_enable_automatic_sqltune | TRUE | Automatic SQL Tuning Advisory enabled parameter |
_enable_block_level_transaction_recovery | TRUE | enable block level recovery |
_enable_check_truncate | TRUE | enable checking of corruption caused by canceled truncate |
_enable_cscn_caching | FALSE | enable commit SCN caching for all transactions |
_enable_ddl_wait_lock | TRUE | use this to turn off ddls with wait semantics |
_enable_default_affinity | 0 | enable default implementation of hard affinity osds |
_enable_default_temp_threshold | TRUE | Enable Default Tablespace Utilization Threshold for UNDO Tablespaces |
_enable_default_undo_threshold | TRUE | Enable Default Tablespace Utilization Threshold for TEMPORARY Tablespaces |
_enable_dml_lock_escalation | TRUE | enable dml lock escalation against partitioned tables if TRUE |
_enable_editions_for_users | FALSE | enable editions for all users |
_enable_exchange_validation_using_check | TRUE | use check constraints on the table for validation |
_enable_fast_ref_after_mv_tbs | FALSE | enable fast refresh after move tablespace |
_enable_ffw | TRUE | FAL FORWARDING |
_enable_flash_logging | TRUE | Enable Exadata Smart Flash Logging |
_enable_hash_overflow | FALSE | TRUE - enable hash cluster overflow based on SIZE |
_enable_hwm_sync | TRUE | enable HWM synchronization |
_enable_kqf_purge | TRUE | Enable KQF fixed runtime table purge |
_enable_list_io | FALSE | Enable List I/O |
_enable_midtier_affinity | TRUE | enable midtier affinity metrics processing |
_enable_minscn_cr | TRUE | enable/disable minscn optimization for CR |
_enable_nativenet_tcpip | FALSE | Enable skgxp driver usage for native net |
_enable_obj_queues | TRUE | enable object queues |
_enable_online_index_without_s_locking | TRUE | Allow online index creation algorithm without S DML lock |
_enable_query_rewrite_on_remote_objs | TRUE | mv rewrite on remote table/view |
_enable_redo_global_post | FALSE | LGWR post globally on write |
_enable_refresh_schedule | TRUE | enable or disable MV refresh scheduling (revert to 9.2 behavior) |
_enable_reliable_latch_waits | TRUE | Enable reliable latch waits |
_enable_rename_user | FALSE | enable RENAME-clause using ALTER USER statement |
_enable_rlb | TRUE | enable RLB metrics processing |
_enable_row_shipping | TRUE | use the row shipping optimization for wide table selects |
_enable_sb_detection | TRUE | Split Brain Detection |
_enable_schema_synonyms | FALSE | enable DDL operations (e.g. creation) involving schema synonyms |
_enable_scn_wait_interface | TRUE | use this to turn off scn wait interface in kta |
_enable_separable_transactions | FALSE | enable/disable separable transactions |
_enable_shared_pool_durations | TRUE | temporary to disable/enable kgh policy |
_enable_shared_server_vector_io | FALSE | Enable shared server vector I/O |
_enable_space_preallocation | 3 | enable space pre-allocation |
_enable_spacebg | TRUE | enable space management background task |
_enable_tablespace_alerts | TRUE | enable tablespace alerts |
_enable_type_dep_selectivity | TRUE | enable type dependent selectivity estimates |
_endprot_chunk_comment | chk 10235 dflt | chunk comment for selective overrun protection |
_endprot_heap_comment | hp 10235 dflt | heap comment for selective overrun protection |
_endprot_subheaps | TRUE | selective overrun protection for subeheaps |
_enqueue_deadlock_scan_secs | 0 | deadlock scan interval |
_enqueue_deadlock_time_sec | 5 | requests with timeout <= this will not have deadlock detection |
_enqueue_debug_multi_instance | FALSE | debug enqueue multi instance |
_enqueue_hash | 4579 | enqueue hash table length |
_enqueue_hash_chain_latches | 16 | enqueue hash chain latches |
_enqueue_locks | 25942 | locks for managed enqueues |
_enqueue_paranoia_mode_enabled | FALSE | enable enqueue layer advanced debugging checks |
_enqueue_resources | 4779 | resources for enqueues |
_evolve_plan_baseline_report_level | typical | Level of detail to show in plan verification/evolution report |
_evt_system_event_propagation | TRUE | disable system event propagation |
_expand_aggregates | TRUE | expand aggregates |
_explain_rewrite_mode | FALSE | allow additional messages to be generated during explain rewrite |
_extended_pruning_enabled | TRUE | do runtime pruning in iterator if set to TRUE |
_external_scn_logging_threshold_seconds | 172800 | High delta SCN threshold in seconds |
_external_scn_rejection_delta_threshold_minutes | external SCN rejection delta threshold in minutes | |
_external_scn_rejection_threshold_hours | 24 | Lag in hours between max allowed SCN and an external SCN |
_fair_remote_cvt | FALSE | if TRUE enables fair remote convert |
_fairness_threshold | 2 | number of times to CR serve before downgrading lock |
_fast_cursor_reexecute | FALSE | use more memory in order to get faster execution |
_fast_dual_enabled | TRUE | enable/disable fast dual |
_fast_full_scan_enabled | TRUE | enable/disable index fast full scan |
_fastpin_enable | 16777216 | enable reference count based fast pins |
_fbda_busy_percentage | 0 | flashback archiver busy percentage |
_fbda_debug_assert | 0 | flashback archiver debug assert for testing |
_fbda_debug_mode | 0 | flashback archiver debug event for testing |
_fbda_global_bscn_lag | 0 | flashback archiver global barrier scn lag |
_fbda_inline_percentage | 0 | flashback archiver inline percentage |
_fbda_rac_inactive_limit | 0 | flashback archiver rac inactive limit |
_fg_iorm_slaves | 1 | ForeGround I/O slaves for IORM |
_fg_log_checksum | TRUE | Checksum redo in foreground process |
_fg_sync_sleep_usecs | 0 | Log file sync via usleep |
_fic_algorithm_set | automatic | Set Frequent Itemset Counting Algorithm |
_fic_area_size | 131072 | size of Frequent Itemset Counting work area |
_fic_max_length | 20 | Frequent Itemset Counting Maximum Itemset Length |
_fic_min_bmsize | 1024 | Frequent Itemset Counting Minimum BITMAP Size |
_fic_outofmem_candidates | FALSE | Frequent Itemset Counting Out Of Memory Candidates Generation |
_fifteenth_spare_parameter | fifteenth spare parameter - string | |
_fifth_spare_parameter | fifth spare parameter - integer | |
_file_size_increase_increment | 67108864 | Amount of file size increase increment, in bytes |
_filemap_dir | FILEMAP directory | |
_first_k_rows_dynamic_proration | TRUE | enable the use of dynamic proration of join cardinalities |
_first_spare_parameter | first spare parameter - integer | |
_fix_control | bug fix control parameter | |
_flashback_11.1_block_new_opt | FALSE | use 11.1 flashback block new optimization scheme |
_flashback_allow_noarchivelog | FALSE | Allow enabling flashback on noarchivelog database |
_flashback_archiver_partition_size | 0 | flashback archiver table partition size |
_flashback_barrier_interval | 1800 | Flashback barrier interval in seconds |
_flashback_copy_latches | 10 | Number of flashback copy latches |
_flashback_database_test_only | FALSE | Run Flashback Database in test mode |
_flashback_delete_chunk_MB | 128 | Amount of flashback log (in MB) to delete in one attempt |
_flashback_dynamic_enable | TRUE | enable flashback enable code path |
_flashback_dynamic_enable_failure | 0 | Simulate failures during dynamic enable |
_flashback_enable_ra | TRUE | Flashback enable read ahead |
_flashback_format_chunk_mb | 4 | Chunk mega-bytes for formatting flashback logs using sync write |
_flashback_format_chunk_mb_dwrite | 16 | Chunk mega-bytes for formatting flashback logs using delayed write |
_flashback_fuzzy_barrier | TRUE | Use flashback fuzzy barrier |
_flashback_generation_buffer_size | 67108864 | flashback generation buffer size |
_flashback_hint_barrier_percent | 20 | Flashback hint barrier percent |
_flashback_log_io_error_behavior | 0 | Specify Flashback log I/O error behavior |
_flashback_log_min_size | 100 | Minimum flashback log size |
_flashback_log_rac_balance_factor | 10 | flashback log rac balance factor |
_flashback_log_size | 1000 | Flashback log size |
_flashback_logfile_enqueue_timeout | 600 | flashback logfile enqueue timeout for opens |
_flashback_marker_cache_enabled | TRUE | Enable flashback database marker cache |
_flashback_marker_cache_size | 328 | Size of flashback database marker cache |
_flashback_max_log_size | 0 | Maximum flashback log size in bytes (OS limit) |
_flashback_max_n_log_per_thread | 2048 | Maximum number of flashback logs per flashback thread |
_flashback_max_standby_sync_span | 300 | Maximum time span between standby recovery sync for flashback |
_flashback_n_log_per_thread | 128 | Desired number of flashback logs per flashback thread |
_flashback_prepare_log | TRUE | Prepare Flashback logs in the background |
_flashback_size_based_on_redo | TRUE | Size new flashback logs based on average redo log size |
_flashback_standby_barrier_interval | 1 | Flashback standby barrier interval in seconds |
_flashback_validate_controlfile | FALSE | validate flashback pointers in controlfile for database |
_flashback_verbose_info | FALSE | Print verbose information about flashback database |
_flashback_write_max_loop_limit | 10 | Flashback writer loop limit before it returns |
_flush_plan_in_awr_sql | 0 | Plan is being flushed from an AWR flush SQL |
_flush_redo_to_standby | 0 | Flush redo to standby test event parameter |
_flush_undo_after_tx_recovery | TRUE | if TRUE, flush undo buffers after TX recovery |
_force_arch_compress | 0 | Archive Compress all newly created compressed tables |
_force_datefold_trunc | FALSE | force use of trunc for datefolding rewrite |
_force_hash_join_spill | FALSE | force hash join to spill to disk |
_force_hsc_compress | FALSE | compress all newly created tables |
_force_oltp_compress | FALSE | OLTP Compress all newly created compressed tables |
_force_oltp_update_opt | TRUE | OLTP Compressed row optimization on update |
_force_rcv_info_ping | 0 | Force recovery info ping to stdby |
_force_rewrite_enable | FALSE | control new query rewrite features |
_force_slave_mapping_intra_part_loads | FALSE | Force slave mapping for intra partition loads |
_force_temptables_for_gsets | FALSE | executes concatenation of rollups using temp tables |
_force_tmp_segment_loads | FALSE | Force tmp segment loads |
_forwarded_2pc_threshold | 10 | auto-tune threshold for two-phase commit rate across RAC instances |
_fourteenth_spare_parameter | fourteenth spare parameter - string | |
_fourth_spare_parameter | fourth spare parameter - integer | |
_frame_cache_time | 0 | number of seconds a cached frame page stay in cache. |
_full_pwise_join_enabled | TRUE | enable full partition-wise join when TRUE |
_fusion_security | FALSE | Fusion Security |
_gby_hash_aggregation_enabled | TRUE | enable group-by and aggregation using hash scheme |
_gby_onekey_enabled | TRUE | enable use of one comparison of all group by keys |
_gc_affinity_locking | TRUE | if TRUE, enable object affinity |
_gc_affinity_locks | TRUE | if TRUE, get affinity locks |
_gc_affinity_ratio | 50 | dynamic object affinity ratio |
_gc_async_memcpy | FALSE | if TRUE, use async memcpy |
_gc_bypass_readers | TRUE | if TRUE, modifications bypass readers |
_gc_check_bscn | TRUE | if TRUE, check for stale blocks |
_gc_coalesce_recovery_reads | TRUE | if TRUE, coalesce recovery reads |
_gc_cpu_time | FALSE | if TRUE, record the gc cpu time |
_gc_cr_server_read_wait | TRUE | if TRUE, cr server waits for a read to complete |
_gc_defer_ping_index_only | TRUE | if TRUE, restrict deferred ping to index blocks only |
_gc_defer_time | 1 | how long to defer pings for hot buffers in milliseconds |
_gc_delta_push_compression | 3072 | if delta >= K bytes, compress before push |
_gc_delta_push_max_level | 100 | max delta level for delta push |
_gc_delta_push_objects | 0 | objects which use delta push |
_gc_disable_s_lock_brr_ping_check | TRUE | if TRUE, disable S lock BRR ping check for lost write protect |
_gc_down_convert_after_keep | TRUE | if TRUE, down-convert lock after recovery |
_gc_element_percent | 110 | global cache element percent |
_gc_escalate_bid | TRUE | if TRUE, escalates create a bid |
_gc_fg_merge | TRUE | if TRUE, merge pi buffers in the foreground |
_gc_flush_during_affinity | TRUE | if TRUE, flush during affinity |
_gc_fusion_compression | 1024 | compress fusion blocks if there is free space |
_gc_global_checkpoint_scn | TRUE | if TRUE, enable global checkpoint scn |
_gc_global_cpu | TRUE | global cpu checks |
_gc_global_lru | AUTO | turn global lru off, make it automatic, or turn it on |
_gc_global_lru_touch_count | 5 | global lru touch count |
_gc_global_lru_touch_time | 60 | global lru touch time in seconds |
_gc_integrity_checks | 1 | set the integrity check level |
_gc_keep_recovery_buffers | TRUE | if TRUE, make single instance crash recovery buffers current |
_gc_latches | 8 | number of latches per LMS process |
_gc_log_flush | TRUE | if TRUE, flush redo log before a current block transfer |
_gc_long_query_threshold | 0 | threshold for long running query |
_gc_max_downcvt | 256 | maximum downconverts to process at one time |
_gc_maximum_bids | 0 | maximum number of bids which can be prepared |
_gc_no_fairness_for_clones | TRUE | if TRUE, no fairness if we serve a clone |
_gc_override_force_cr | TRUE | if TRUE, try to override force-cr requests |
_gc_persistent_read_mostly | TRUE | if TRUE, enable persistent read-mostly locking |
_gc_policy_minimum | 1500 | dynamic object policy minimum activity per minute |
_gc_policy_time | 10 | how often to make object policy decisions in minutes |
_gc_read_mostly_flush_check | FALSE | if TRUE, optimize flushes for read mostly objects |
_gc_read_mostly_locking | TRUE | if TRUE, enable read-mostly locking |
_gc_sanity_check_cr_buffers | FALSE | if TRUE, sanity check CR buffers |
_gc_serve_high_pi_as_current | TRUE | if TRUE, use a higher clone scn when serving a pi |
_gc_statistics | TRUE | if TRUE, kcl statistics are maintained |
_gc_transfer_ratio | 2 | dynamic object read-mostly transfer ratio |
_gc_tsn_undo_affinity | TRUE | if TRUE, use TSN undo affinity |
_gc_undo_affinity | TRUE | if TRUE, enable dynamic undo affinity |
_gc_undo_block_disk_reads | TRUE | if TRUE, enable undo block disk reads |
_gc_use_cr | TRUE | if TRUE, allow CR pins on PI and WRITING buffers |
_gc_vector_read | TRUE | if TRUE, vector read current buffers |
_gcr_enable_high_cpu_kill | FALSE | if TRUE, GCR may kill foregrounds under high load |
_gcr_enable_high_cpu_rm | FALSE | if TRUE, GCR may enable a RM plan under high load |
_gcr_enable_high_cpu_rt | FALSE | if TRUE, GCR may boost bg priority under high load |
_gcr_high_cpu_threshold | 10 | minimum amount of CPU process must consume to be kill target |
_gcr_use_css | TRUE | if FALSE, GCR wont register with CSS nor use any CSS feature |
_gcs_disable_remote_handles | FALSE | disable remote client/shadow handles |
_gcs_disable_skip_close_remastering | FALSE | if TRUE, disable skip close optimization in remastering |
_gcs_fast_reconfig | TRUE | if TRUE, enable fast reconfiguration for gcs locks |
_gcs_latches | 64 | number of gcs resource hash latches to be allocated per LMS process |
_gcs_pkey_history | 4000 | number of pkey remastering history |
_gcs_process_in_recovery | TRUE | if TRUE, process gcs requests during instance recovery |
_gcs_res_per_bucket | 4 | number of gcs resource per hash bucket |
_gcs_resources | number of gcs resources to be allocated | |
_gcs_shadow_locks | number of pcm shadow locks to be allocated | |
_gcs_testing | 0 | GCS testing parameter |
_generalized_pruning_enabled | TRUE | controls extensions to partition pruning for general predicates |
_ges_dd_debug | 1 | if 1 or higher enables GES deadlock detection debug diagnostics |
_ges_designated_master | FALSE | designated master for GES and GCS resources |
_ges_diagnostics | TRUE | if TRUE enables GES diagnostics |
_ges_diagnostics_asm_dump_level | 11 | systemstate level on global enqueue diagnostics blocked by ASM |
_ges_health_check | 0 | if greater than 0 enables GES system health check |
_ges_num_blockers_to_kill | 1 | number of blockers to be killed for hang resolution |
_global_hang_analysis_interval_secs | 10 | the interval at which global hang analysis is run |
_globalindex_pnum_filter_enabled | TRUE | enables filter for global index with partition extended syntax |
_groupby_nopushdown_cut_ratio | 3 | groupby nopushdown cut ratio |
_groupby_orderby_combine | 5000 | groupby/orderby don't combine threshold |
_gs_anti_semi_join_allowed | TRUE | enable anti/semi join for the GS query |
_hang_analysis_num_call_stacks | 3 | hang analysis num call stacks |
_hang_detection_enabled | TRUE | Hang Management detection |
_hang_detection_interval | 32 | Hang Management detection interval in seconds |
_hang_hiload_promoted_ignored_hang_count | 2 | Hang Management high load or promoted ignored hang count |
_hang_hiprior_session_attribute_list | Hang Management high priority session attribute list | |
_hang_ignored_hang_count | 1 | Hang Management ignored hang count |
_hang_ignored_hangs_interval | 300 | Time in seconds ignored hangs must persist after verification |
_hang_log_incidents | FALSE | Hang Manager incident logging |
_hang_long_wait_time_threshold | 0 | Long session wait time threshold in seconds |
_hang_lws_file_count | 5 | Number of trace files for long waiting sessions |
_hang_lws_file_time_limit | 3600 | Timespan in seconds for current long waiting session trace file |
_hang_msg_checksum_enabled | TRUE | enable hang graph message checksum |
_hang_output_suspected_hangs | FALSE | Hang Management enabled output of suspected hangs |
_hang_resolution_confidence_promotion | FALSE | Hang Management hang resolution confidence promotion |
_hang_resolution_global_hang_confidence_promotion | FALSE | Hang Management hang resolution global hang confidence promotion |
_hang_resolution_policy | HIGH | Hang Management hang resolution policy |
_hang_resolution_promote_process_termination | FALSE | Hang Management hang resolution promote process termination |
_hang_resolution_scope | PROCESS | Hang Management hang resolution scope |
_hang_signature_list_match_output_frequency | 10 | Hang Signature List matched output frequency |
_hang_statistics_collection_interval | 15 | Hang Management statistics collection interval in seconds |
_hang_statistics_collection_ma_alpha | 30 | Hang Management statistics collection moving average alpha |
_hang_statistics_high_io_percentage_threshold | 45 | Hang Management statistics high IO percentage threshold |
_hang_verification_interval | 46 | Hang Management verification interval in seconds |
_hard_protection | FALSE | if TRUE enable H.A.R.D specific format changes |
_hash_join_enabled | TRUE | enable/disable hash join |
_hash_multiblock_io_count | 0 | number of blocks hash join will read/write at once |
_hb_redo_msg_interval | 100 | BOC HB redo message interval in ms |
_heur_deadlock_resolution_secs | 0 | the heuristic wait time per node for deadlock resolution |
_high_priority_processes | LMS*|VKTM | High Priority Process Name Mask |
_high_server_threshold | 0 | high server thresholds |
_highres_drift_allowed_sec | 1 | allowed highres timer drift for VKTM |
_highthreshold_undoretention | 4294967294 | high threshold undo_retention in seconds |
_hj_bit_filter_threshold | 50 | hash-join bit filtering threshold (0 always enabled) |
_hm_analysis_oradebug_node_dump_level | 0 | the oradebug node dump level for hang manager hang analysis |
_hm_analysis_oradebug_sys_dump_level | 0 | the oradebug system state level for hang manager hang analysis |
_hm_analysis_output_disk | FALSE | if TRUE the hang manager outputs hang analysis results to disk |
_hwm_sync_threshold | 10 | HWM synchronization threshold in percentage |
_idl_conventional_index_maintenance | TRUE | enable conventional index maintenance for insert direct load |
_idle_session_kill_enabled | TRUE | enables or disables resource manager session idle limit checks |
_idxrb_rowincr | 100000000 | proportionality constant for dop vs. rows in index rebuild |
_ignore_desc_in_index | FALSE | ignore DESC in indexes, sort those columns ascending anyhow |
_ignore_edition_enabled_for_EV_creation | FALSE | ignore schema's edition-enabled status during EV creation |
_ignore_fg_deps | ignore fine-grain dependencies during invalidation | |
_immediate_commit_propagation | TRUE | if TRUE, propagate commit SCN immediately |
_improved_outerjoin_card | TRUE | improved outer-join cardinality calculation |
_improved_row_length_enabled | TRUE | enable the improvements for computing the average row length |
_imr_active | TRUE | Activate Instance Membership Recovery feature |
_imr_avoid_double_voting | TRUE | Avoid device voting for CSS reconfig during IMR |
_imr_controlfile_access_wait_time | 10 | IMR controlfile access wait time in seconds |
_imr_device_type | controlfile | Type of device to be used by IMR |
_imr_disk_voting_interval | 3 | Maximum wait for IMR disk voting (seconds) |
_imr_diskvote_implementation | auto | IMR disk voting implementation method |
_imr_evicted_member_kill | TRUE | IMR issue evicted member kill after a wait |
_imr_evicted_member_kill_wait | 20 | IMR evicted member kill wait time in seconds |
_imr_extra_reconfig_wait | 10 | Extra reconfiguration wait in seconds |
_imr_highload_threshold | IMR system highload threshold | |
_imr_max_reconfig_delay | 75 | Maximum Reconfiguration delay (seconds) |
_imr_splitbrain_res_wait | 0 | Maximum wait for split-brain resolution (seconds) |
_imr_systemload_check | TRUE | Perform the system load check during IMR |
_imu_pools | 3 | in memory undo pools |
_in_memory_tbs_search | TRUE | FALSE - disable fast path for alter tablespace read only |
_in_memory_undo | TRUE | Make in memory undo for top level transactions |
_incremental_recovery_ckpt_min_batch | 500 | minimum number of writes for incremental recovery ckpt every second |
_index_join_enabled | TRUE | enable the use of index joins |
_index_partition_large_extents | FALSE | Enables large extent allocation for partitioned indices |
_index_prefetch_factor | 100 | index prefetching factor |
_index_scan_check_skip_corrupt | FALSE | check and skip corrupt blocks during index scans |
_index_scan_check_stopkey | FALSE | check stopkey during index range scans |
_init_granule_interval | 10 | number of granules to process for deferred cache |
_init_sql_file | ?/rdbms/admin/sql.bsq | File containing SQL statements to execute upon database creation |
_inject_startup_fault | 0 | inject fault in the startup code |
_inline_sql_in_plsql | FALSE | inline SQL in PL/SQL |
_inplace_update_retry | TRUE | inplace update retry for ora1551 |
_inquiry_retry_interval | 3 | if greater than 0 enables inquiry retry after specified interval |
_insert_enable_hwm_brokered | TRUE | during parallel inserts high water marks are brokered |
_inst_locking_period | 5 | period an instance can retain a newly acquired level1 bitmap |
_interconnect_checksum | TRUE | if TRUE, checksum interconnect blocks |
_intrapart_pdml_enabled | TRUE | Enable intra-partition updates/deletes |
_intrapart_pdml_randomlocal_enabled | TRUE | Enable intra-partition updates/deletes with random local dist |
_io_resource_manager_always_on | FALSE | io resource manager always on |
_io_shared_pool_size | 4194304 | Size of I/O buffer pool from SGA |
_io_slaves_disabled | FALSE | Do not use I/O slaves |
_io_statistics | TRUE | if TRUE, ksfd I/O statistics are collected |
_iocalibrate_init_ios | 2 | iocalibrate init I/Os per process |
_iocalibrate_max_ios | 0 | iocalibrate max I/Os per process |
_ioq_fanin_multiplier | 2 | IOQ miss count before a miss exception |
_ior_serialize_fault | 0 | inject fault in the ior serialize code |
_iorm_tout | 1000 | IORM scheduler timeout value in msec |
_ioslave_batch_count | 1 | Per attempt IOs picked |
_ioslave_issue_count | 500 | IOs issued before completion check |
_ipc_fail_network | 0 | Simulate cluster network failer |
_ipc_test_failover | 0 | Test transparent cluster network failover |
_ipc_test_mult_nets | 0 | simulate multiple cluster networks |
_ipddb_enable | FALSE | Enable IPD/DB data collection |
_job_queue_interval | 5 | Wakeup interval in seconds for job queue co-ordinator |
_k2q_latches | 0 | number of k2q latches |
_kcfis_block_dump_level | 0 | Smart IO block dump level |
_kcfis_caching_enabled | TRUE | enable kcfis intra-scan session caching |
_kcfis_cell_passthru_enabled | FALSE | Do not perform smart IO filtering on the cell |
_kcfis_cell_passthru_fromcpu_enabled | TRUE | Enable automatic passthru mode when cell CPU util is too high |
_kcfis_control1 | 0 | Kcfis control1 |
_kcfis_control2 | 0 | Kcfis control2 |
_kcfis_control3 | 0 | Kcfis control3 |
_kcfis_control4 | 0 | Kcfis control4 |
_kcfis_control5 | 0 | Kcfis control5 |
_kcfis_control6 | 0 | Kcfis control6 |
_kcfis_disable_platform_decryption | FALSE | Don't use platform-specific decryption on the storage cell |
_kcfis_dump_corrupt_block | TRUE | Dump any corrupt blocks found during smart IO |
_kcfis_fast_response_enabled | TRUE | Enable smart scan optimization for fast response (first rows) |
_kcfis_fast_response_initiosize | 2 | Fast response - The size of the first IO in logical blocks |
_kcfis_fast_response_iosizemult | 4 | Fast response - (next IO size = current IO size * this parameter) |
_kcfis_fast_response_threshold | 1048576 | Fast response - the number of IOs after which smartIO is used |
_kcfis_fault_control | 0 | Fault Injection Control |
_kcfis_io_prefetch_size | 8 | Smart IO prefetch size for a cell |
_kcfis_ioreqs_throttle_enabled | TRUE | Enable Smart IO requests throttling |
_kcfis_kept_in_cellfc_enabled | TRUE | Enable usage of cellsrv flash cache for kept objects |
_kcfis_large_payload_enabled | FALSE | enable large payload to be passed to cellsrv |
_kcfis_max_cached_sessions | 10 | Sets the maximum number of kcfis sessions cached |
_kcfis_max_out_translations | 5000 | Sets the maximum number of outstanding translations in kcfis |
_kcfis_nonkept_in_cellfc_enabled | FALSE | Enable use of cellsrv flash cache for non-kept objects |
_kcfis_oss_io_size | 0 | KCFIS OSS I/O size |
_kcfis_rdbms_blockio_enabled | FALSE | Use block IO instead of smart IO in the smart IO module on RDBMS |
_kcfis_read_buffer_limit | 0 | KCFIS Read Buffer (per session) memory limit in bytes |
_kcfis_spawn_debugger | FALSE | Decides whether to spawn the debugger at kcfis initialize |
_kcfis_stats_level | 0 | sets kcfis stats level |
_kcfis_storageidx_diag_mode | 0 | Debug mode for storage index on the cell |
_kcfis_storageidx_disabled | FALSE | Don't use storage index optimization on the storage cell |
_kcfis_test_control1 | 0 | kcfis tst control1 |
_kcfis_trace_bucket_size | 131072 | KCFIS tracing bucket size in bytes |
_kcfis_trace_level | 0 | sets kcfis tracing level |
_kcfis_work_set_appliances | 2 | Working Set of appliances in a KCFIS session |
_kcl_commit | TRUE | if TRUE, call kjbcommit |
_kcl_conservative_log_flush | FALSE | if TRUE, conservatively log flush before CR serving |
_kcl_debug | TRUE | if TRUE, record le history |
_kcl_index_split | TRUE | if TRUE, reject pings on blocks in middle of a split |
_kd_symtab_chk | TRUE | enable or disable symbol table integrity block check |
_kdbl_enable_post_allocation | FALSE | allocate dbas after populating data buffers |
_kdi_avoid_block_checking | FALSE | avoid index block checking on sensitive opcodes |
_kdic_segarr_sz | 0 | size threshold for segmented arrays for seg_info_kdicctx |
_kdis_reject_level | 24 | b+tree level to enable rejection limit |
_kdis_reject_limit | 5 | #block rejections in space reclamation before segment extension |
_kdis_reject_ops | FALSE | enable rejection heuristic for branch splits |
_kdli_STOP_bsz | 0 | undocumented parameter for internal use only |
_kdli_STOP_dba | 0 | undocumented parameter for internal use only |
_kdli_STOP_fsz | 0 | undocumented parameter for internal use only |
_kdli_STOP_nio | 0 | undocumented parameter for internal use only |
_kdli_STOP_tsn | 0 | undocumented parameter for internal use only |
_kdli_allow_corrupt | TRUE | allow corrupt filesystem_logging data blocks during read/write |
_kdli_buffer_inject | TRUE | use buffer injection for CACHE [NO]LOGGING lobs |
_kdli_cache_inode | TRUE | cache inode state across calls |
_kdli_cache_read_threshold | 0 | minimum lob size for cache->nocache read (0 disables heuristic) |
_kdli_cache_size | 8 | maximum #entries in inode cache |
_kdli_cache_verify | FALSE | verify cached inode via deserialization |
_kdli_cache_write_threshold | 0 | minimum lob size for cache->nocache write (0 disables heuristic) |
_kdli_cacheable_length | 0 | minimum lob length for inode cacheability |
_kdli_checkpoint_flush | FALSE | do not invalidate cache buffers after write |
_kdli_dbc | none | override db_block_checking setting for securefiles |
_kdli_delay_flushes | TRUE | delay flushing cache writes to direct-write lobs |
_kdli_flush_cache_reads | FALSE | flush cache-reads data blocks after load |
_kdli_flush_injections | TRUE | flush injected buffers of CACHE NOLOGGING lobs before commit |
_kdli_force_cr | TRUE | force CR when reading data blocks of direct-write lobs |
_kdli_force_cr_meta | TRUE | force CR when reading metadata blocks of direct-write lobs |
_kdli_force_storage | none | force storage settings for all lobs |
_kdli_full_readahead_threshold | 0 | maximum lob size for full readahead |
_kdli_inject_assert | 0 | inject asserts into the inode |
_kdli_inject_batch | 0 | buffer injection batch size [1, KCBNEWMAX] |
_kdli_inject_crash | 0 | inject crashes into the inode |
_kdli_inline_xfm | TRUE | allow inline transformed lobs |
_kdli_inode_preference | data | inline inode evolution preference (data, headless, lhb) |
_kdli_inplace_overwrite | 0 | maximum inplace overwrite size (> chunksize) |
_kdli_itree_entries | 0 | #entries in lhb/itree blocks (for testing only) |
_kdli_memory_protect | FALSE | trace accesses to inode memory outside kdli API functions |
_kdli_oneblk | FALSE | allocate chunks as single blocks |
_kdli_preallocation_mode | length | preallocation mode for lob growth |
_kdli_preallocation_pct | 0 | percentage preallocation [0 .. inf) for lob growth |
_kdli_rci_lobmap_entries | 255 | #entries in RCI lobmap before migration to lhb |
_kdli_readahead_limit | 0 | shared/cached IO readahead limit |
_kdli_readahead_strategy | contig | shared/cached IO readahead strategy |
_kdli_recent_scn | FALSE | use recent (not dependent) scns for block format/allocation |
_kdli_reshape | FALSE | reshape an inode to inline or headless on length truncation |
_kdli_safe_callbacks | TRUE | invoke inode read/write callbacks safely |
_kdli_sio_async | TRUE | asynchronous shared IO |
_kdli_sio_backoff | FALSE | use exponential backoff when attempting SIOP allocations |
_kdli_sio_bps | 0 | maximum blocks per IO slot |
_kdli_sio_dop | 2 | degree-of-parallelism in the SIO keep pool |
_kdli_sio_fbwrite_pct | 35 | percentage of buffer used for direct writes in flashback-db |
_kdli_sio_fgio | TRUE | reap asynchronous IO in the foreground |
_kdli_sio_fileopen | none | shared IO fileopen mode: datasync vs nodatasync vs async |
_kdli_sio_flush | FALSE | enable shared IO pool operations |
_kdli_sio_free | TRUE | free IO buffers when not in active use |
_kdli_sio_min_read | 0 | shared IO pool read threshold |
_kdli_sio_min_write | 0 | shared IO pool write threshold |
_kdli_sio_nbufs | 8 | maximum #IO buffers to allocate per session |
_kdli_sio_niods | 8 | maximum #IO descriptors to allocate per session |
_kdli_sio_on | TRUE | enable shared IO pool operations |
_kdli_sio_pga | FALSE | use PGA allocations for direct IO |
_kdli_sio_pga_top | FALSE | PGA allocations come from toplevel PGA heap |
_kdli_sio_strategy | extent | shared IO strategy: block vs. extent |
_kdli_sio_write_pct | 100 | percentage of buffer used for direct writes |
_kdli_small_cache_limit | 32 | size limit of small inode cache |
_kdli_sort_dbas | FALSE | sort dbas during chunkification |
_kdli_space_cache_limit | 2048 | maximum size of the space cache in #blocks |
_kdli_squeeze | TRUE | compact lobmap extents with contiguous dbas |
_kdli_timer_dmp | FALSE | dump inode timers on session termination |
_kdli_timer_trc | FALSE | trace inode timers to uts/tracefile |
_kdli_trace | 0 | inode trace level |
_kdli_vll_direct | TRUE | use skip-navigation and direct-positioning in vll-domain |
_kdlu_max_bucket_size | 4194304 | UTS kdlu bucket size |
_kdlu_max_bucket_size_mts | 131072 | UTS kdlu bucket size for mts |
_kdlu_trace_layer | 0 | UTS kdlu per-layer trace level |
_kdlu_trace_session | 0 | UTS session dump |
_kdlu_trace_system | 0 | UTS system dump |
_kdlw_enable_ksi_locking | FALSE | enable ksi locking for lobs |
_kdlw_enable_write_gathering | TRUE | enable lob write gathering for sql txns |
_kdlwp_flush_threshold | 4194304 | WGC flush threshold in bytes |
_kdlxp_cmp_subunit_size | 262144 | size of compression sub-unit in bytes |
_kdlxp_dedup_flush_threshold | 8388608 | deduplication flush threshold in bytes |
_kdlxp_dedup_hash_algo | SHA1 | secure hash algorithm for deduplication - only on SecureFiles |
_kdlxp_dedup_inl_pctfree | 5 | deduplication pct size increase by which inlining avoided |
_kdlxp_dedup_prefix_threshold | 1048576 | deduplication prefix hash threshold in bytes |
_kdlxp_dedup_wapp_len | 0 | deduplication length to allow write-append |
_kdlxp_lobcmpadp | FALSE | enable adaptive compression - only on SecureFiles |
_kdlxp_lobcmplevel | 2 | Default securefile compression |
_kdlxp_lobcmprciver | 1 | Default securefile compression map version |
_kdlxp_lobcompress | FALSE | enable lob compression - only on SecureFiles |
_kdlxp_lobdeduplicate | FALSE | enable lob deduplication - only on SecureFiles |
_kdlxp_lobdedupvalidate | TRUE | enable deduplicate validate - only on SecureFiles |
_kdlxp_lobencrypt | FALSE | enable lob encryption - only on SecureFiles |
_kdlxp_mincmp | 20 | minimum comp ratio in pct - only on SecureFiles |
_kdlxp_mincmplen | 200 | minimum loblen to compress - only on SecureFiles |
_kdlxp_minxfm_size | 32768 | minimum transformation size in bytes |
_kdlxp_spare1 | 0 | deduplication spare 1 |
_kdlxp_uncmp | FALSE | lob data uncompressed - only on SecureFiles |
_kdlxp_xfmcache | TRUE | enable xfm cache - only on SecureFiles |
_kdt_buffering | TRUE | control kdt buffering for conventional inserts |
_kdtgsp_retries | 1024 | max number of retries in kdtgsp if space returns same block |
_kdu_array_depth | 16 | array update retry recursion depth limits |
_kdz_hcc_flags | 0 | Miscellaneous HCC flags |
_kdz_hcc_track_upd_rids | TRUE | Enable rowid tracking during updates |
_kebm_nstrikes | 3 | kebm # strikes to auto suspend an action |
_kebm_suspension_time | 82800 | kebm auto suspension time in seconds |
_keep_remote_column_size | FALSE | remote column size does not get modified |
_kernel_message_network_driver | FALSE | kernel message network driver |
_kes_parse_model | 2 | SQL Tune/SPA KES Layer Parse Model control parameter |
_kffmap_hash_size | 1024 | size of kffmap_hash table |
_kffmop_hash_size | 2048 | size of kffmop_hash table |
_kfm_disable_set_fence | FALSE | disable set fence calls and revert to default (process fence) |
_kghdsidx_count | 4 | max kghdsidx count |
_kgl_bucket_count | 9 | Library cache hash table bucket count (2^_kgl_bucket_count * 256) |
_kgl_cluster_lock | TRUE | Library cache support for cluster lock |
_kgl_cluster_lock_read_mostly | FALSE | Library cache support for cluster lock read mostly optimization |
_kgl_cluster_pin | TRUE | Library cache support for cluster pins |
_kgl_debug | Library cache debugging | |
_kgl_fixed_extents | TRUE | fixed extent size for library cache memory allocations |
_kgl_hash_collision | FALSE | Library cache name hash collision possible |
_kgl_heap_size | 4096 | extent size for library cache heap 0 |
_kgl_hot_object_copies | 0 | Number of copies for the hot object |
_kgl_kqr_cap_so_stacks | FALSE | capture stacks for library and row cache state objects |
_kgl_large_heap_warning_threshold | 52428800 | maximum heap size before KGL writes warnings to the alert log |
_kgl_latch_count | 0 | number of library cache latches |
_kgl_message_locks | 64 | RAC message lock count |
_kgl_min_cached_so_count | 1 | Minimum cached SO count. If > 1 can help find SO corruptions |
_kgl_time_to_wait_for_locks | 15 | time to wait for locks and pins before timing out |
_kglsim_maxmem_percent | 5 | max percentage of shared pool size to be used for KGL advice |
_kgsb_threshold_size | 16777216 | threshold size for base allocator |
_kgx_latches | 1024 | # of mutex latches if CAS is not supported. |
_kill_controlfile_enqueue_blocker | TRUE | enable killing controlfile enqueue blocker on timeout |
_kill_diagnostics_timeout | 60 | timeout delay in seconds before killing enqueue blocker |
_kill_enqueue_blocker | 2 | if greater than 0 enables killing enqueue blocker |
_kill_java_threads_on_eoc | FALSE | Kill Java threads and do sessionspace migration at end of call |
_kill_session_dump | TRUE | Process dump on kill session immediate |
_kkfi_trace | FALSE | trace expression substitution |
_kks_cached_parse_errors | 0 | KKS cached parse errors |
_kks_free_cursor_stat_pct | 10 | percentage of cursor stats buckets to scan on each load, in 1/10th of a percent |
_kokli_cache_size | 128 | Size limit of ADT Table Lookup Cache |
_kokln_current_read | FALSE | Make all LOB reads for this session 'current' reads |
_kolfuseslf | FALSE | allow kolf to use slffopen |
_kql_subheap_trace | 0 | tracing level for library cache subheap level pins |
_ksb_restart_clean_time | 30000 | process uptime for restarts |
_ksb_restart_policy_times | 0, 60, 120, 240 | process restart policy times in seconds |
_ksd_test_param | 999 | KSD test parmeter |
_ksdx_charset_ratio | 0 | ratio between the system and oradebug character set |
_ksdxdocmd_default_timeout_ms | 30000 | default timeout for internal oradebug commands |
_ksdxdocmd_enabled | TRUE | if TRUE ksdxdocmd* invocations are enabled |
_ksdxw_cini_flg | 0 | ksdxw context initialization flag |
_ksdxw_nbufs | 1000 | ksdxw number of buffers in buffered mode |
_ksdxw_num_pgw | 10 | number of watchpoints on a per-process basis |
_ksdxw_num_sgw | 10 | number of watchpoints to be shared by all processes |
_ksdxw_stack_depth | 4 | number of PCs to collect in the stack when watchpoint is hit |
_kse_die_timeout | 60000 | amount of time a dying process is spared by PMON (in centi-secs) |
_kse_pc_table_size | 256 | kse pc table cache size |
_kse_signature_entries | 0 | number of entries in the kse stack signature cache |
_kse_signature_limit | 7 | number of stack frames to cache per kse signature |
_kse_snap_ring_record_stack | FALSE | should error snap ring entries show a short stack trace |
_kse_snap_ring_size | 0 | ring buffer to debug internal error 17090 |
_kse_trace_int_msg_clear | FALSE | enables soft assert of KGECLEAERERROR is cleares an interrupt message |
_ksfd_verify_write | FALSE | verify asynchronous writes issued through ksfd |
_ksi_clientlocks_enabled | TRUE | if TRUE, DLM-clients can provide the lock memory |
_ksi_trace | KSI trace string of lock type(s) | |
_ksi_trace_bucket | PRIVATE | memory tracing: use ksi-private or rdbms-shared bucket |
_ksi_trace_bucket_size | 8192 | size of the KSI trace bucket |
_ksm_post_sga_init_notif_delay_secs | 0 | seconds to delay instance startup at sga initialization (post) |
_ksm_pre_sga_init_notif_delay_secs | 0 | seconds to delay instance startup at sga initialization (pre) |
_ksmb_debug | 0 | ksmb debug flags |
_ksmd_protect_mode | off | KSMD protect mode for catching stale access |
_ksmg_granule_locking_status | 1 | granule locking status |
_ksmg_granule_size | 67108864 | granule size in bytes |
_ksmg_lock_check_interval | timeout action interval in minutes | |
_ksmg_lock_reacquire_count | 5 | repeat count for acquisition of locks |
_kspol_tac_timeout | 5 | timeouts for TAC registerd by kspol |
_ksr_unit_test_processes | 0 | number of ksr unit test processes |
_kss_callstack_type | state object callstack trace type | |
_kss_quiet | FALSE | if TRUE access violations during kss dumps are not recorded |
_ksu_diag_kill_time | 5 | number of seconds ksuitm waits before killing diag |
_ksuitm_addon_trccmd | command to execute when dead processes don't go away | |
_ksuitm_dont_kill_dumper | FALSE | delay inst. termination to allow processes to dump |
_ksv_dynamic_flags1 | 0 | ksv dynamic flags 1 - override default behavior |
_ksv_max_spawn_fail_limit | 5 | bg slave spawn failure limit |
_ksv_pool_hang_kill_to | 0 | bg slave pool terminate timeout |
_ksv_pool_wait_timeout | 600 | bg slave pool wait limit |
_ksv_spawn_control_all | FALSE | control all spawning of background slaves |
_ksv_static_flags1 | 0 | ksv static flags 1 - override default behavior |
_ksvppktmode | 0 | ksv internal pkt test |
_ksxp_compat_flags | 0 | ksxp compat flags |
_ksxp_control_flags | 0 | modify ksxp behavior |
_ksxp_diagmode | OFF | set to OFF to disable automatic slowsend diagnostics |
_ksxp_disable_clss | 0 | disable CLSS interconnects |
_ksxp_disable_dynamic_loading | FALSE | disable dynamic loadin of lib skgxp |
_ksxp_disable_ipc_stats | FALSE | disable ipc statistics |
_ksxp_disable_rolling_migration | FALSE | disable possibility of starting rolling migration |
_ksxp_dump_timeout | 20 | set timeout for kjzddmp request |
_ksxp_dynamic_skgxp_param | dynamic skgxp parameters | |
_ksxp_if_config | 0 | ksxp if config flags |
_ksxp_init_stats_bkts | 0 | initial number arrays for ipc statistics |
_ksxp_lwipc_enabled | FALSE | enable lwipc for KSXP |
_ksxp_max_stats_bkts | 0 | max. arrays for ipc statistics |
_ksxp_ping_enable | TRUE | disable dynamic loadin of lib skgxp |
_ksxp_ping_polling_time | 0 | max. arrays for ipc statistics |
_ksxp_reaping | 20 | tune ksxp layer reaping limit |
_ksxp_reporting_process | LMD0 | reporting process for KSXP |
_ksxp_send_timeout | 300 | set timeout for sends queued with the inter-instance IPC |
_ksxp_skgxp_compat_library_path | over-ride default location of lib skgxp compat | |
_ksxp_skgxp_ctx_flags1 | 0 | IPC debug options flags (RAC) |
_ksxp_skgxp_ctx_flags1mask | 0 | IPC debug options flags mask (RAC) |
_ksxp_skgxp_dynamic_protocol | 4096 | IPC protocol override (RAC) (0/-1=*,2=UDP,3=RDS,!0x1000=ipc_X) |
_ksxp_skgxp_library_path | over-ride default location of lib skgxp | |
_ksxp_skgxp_rgn_ports | 0 | region socket limits (0xFFFFNNXX): F=flags, N=min, X=max |
_ksxp_skgxp_spare_param1 | ipc ksxp spare parameter 1 | |
_ksxp_skgxp_spare_param2 | ipc ksxp spare parameter 2 | |
_ksxp_skgxp_spare_param3 | ipc ksxp spare parameter 3 | |
_ksxp_skgxp_spare_param4 | ipc ksxp spare parameter 4 | |
_ksxp_skgxp_spare_param5 | ipc ksxp spare parameter 5 | |
_ksxp_skgxpg_last_parameter | 26 | last defined skgxpg parameter - ksxp |
_ksxp_stats_mem_lmt | 0 | limit ipc statistics memory. this parameter is a percentage value |
_ksxp_testing | 0 | KSXP test parameter |
_ksxp_unit_test_byte_transformation | FALSE | enable byte transformation unit test |
_ksxp_wait_flags | 0 | tune ksxpwait |
_ktb_debug_flags | 0 | ktb-layer debug flags |
_ktc_debug | 0 | for ktc debug |
_ktc_latches | 0 | number of ktc latches |
_ktslj_segext_max_mb | 0 | segment pre-extension max size in MB (0: unlimited) |
_ktslj_segext_retry | 5 | segment pre-extension retry |
_ktslj_segext_warning | 10 | segment pre-extension warning threshold in percentage |
_ktslj_segext_warning_mb | 0 | segment pre-extension warning threshold in MB |
_ktspsrch_maxsc | 1024 | maximum segments supported by space search cache |
_ktspsrch_maxskip | 5 | space search cache rejection skip upper limit |
_kttext_warning | 5 | tablespace pre-extension warning threshold in percentage |
_ktu_latches | 0 | number of KTU latches |
_ku_trace | none | datapump trace parameter |
_large_pool_min_alloc | 65536 | minimum allocation size in bytes for the large allocation pool |
_last_allocation_period | 5 | period over which an instance can retain an active level1 bitmap |
_latch_class_0 | latch class 0 | |
_latch_class_1 | latch class 1 | |
_latch_class_2 | latch class 2 | |
_latch_class_3 | latch class 3 | |
_latch_class_4 | latch class 4 | |
_latch_class_5 | latch class 5 | |
_latch_class_6 | latch class 6 | |
_latch_class_7 | latch class 7 | |
_latch_classes | latch classes override | |
_latch_miss_stat_sid | 0 | Sid of process for which to collect latch stats |
_latch_recovery_alignment | 65534 | align latch recovery structures |
_ldr_io_size | 262144 | size of write IOs used during a load operation |
_ldr_io_size2 | 1048576 | size of write IOs used during a load operation of EHCC with HWMB |
_ldr_pga_lim | 0 | pga limit, beyond which new partition loads are delayed |
_left_nested_loops_random | TRUE | enable random distribution method for left of nestedloops |
_lgwr_delay_write | FALSE | LGWR write delay for debugging |
_lgwr_io_slaves | 0 | LGWR I/O slaves |
_lgwr_max_ns_wt | 1 | Maximum wait time for lgwr to allow NetServer to progress |
_lgwr_ns_nl_max | 1000 | Variable to simulate network latency or buffer threshold |
_lgwr_ns_nl_min | 500 | Variable to simulate network latency or buffer threshold |
_lgwr_ns_sim_err | 0 | Variable to simulate errors lgwrns |
_lgwr_posts_for_pending_bcasts | FALSE | LGWR posts commit waiters for pending broadcasts |
_lgwr_ta_sim_err | 0 | Variable to simulate errors lgwr true async |
_library_cache_advice | TRUE | whether KGL advice should be turned on |
_lightweight_hdrs | TRUE | Lightweight headers for redo |
_like_with_bind_as_equality | FALSE | treat LIKE predicate with bind as an equality predicate |
_limit_itls | 20 | limit the number of ITLs in OLTP Compressed Tables |
_lm_activate_lms_threshold | 100 | threshold value to activate an additional lms |
_lm_asm_enq_hashing | TRUE | if TRUE makes ASM use enqueue master hashing for fusion locks |
_lm_batch_compression_threshold | 0 | GES threshold to start compression on batch messages |
_lm_better_ddvictim | TRUE | GES better deadlock victim |
_lm_broadcast_res | disable | Enable broadcast of highest held mode of resource. |
_lm_broadcast_resname | AD | Trace string of resource type(s) |
_lm_cache_allocated_res_ratio | 50 | ratio of cached over allocated resources |
_lm_cache_lvl0_cleanup | 0 | how often to cleanup level 0 cache res (in sec) |
_lm_cache_res_cleanup | 25 | percentage of cached resources should be cleanup |
_lm_cache_res_cleanup_tries | 10 | max number of batches of cached resources to free per cleanup |
_lm_cache_res_options | 0 | ges resource cache options |
_lm_cache_res_skip_cleanup | 20 | multiple of iniital res cache below which cleanup is skipped |
_lm_cache_res_type | TMHWHVDI | cache resource: string of lock types(s) |
_lm_checksum_batch_msg | 0 | GES checksum batch messages |
_lm_compression_scheme | zlib | GES compression scheme |
_lm_contiguous_res_count | 256 | number of contiguous blocks that will hash to the same HV bucket |
_lm_dd_ignore_nodd | FALSE | if TRUE nodeadlockwait/nodeadlockblock options are ignored |
_lm_dd_interval | 10 | dd time interval in seconds |
_lm_dd_max_search_time | 180 | max dd search time per token |
_lm_dd_maxdump | 50 | max number of locks to be dumped during dd validation |
_lm_dd_scan_interval | 5 | dd scan interval in seconds |
_lm_dd_search_cnt | 3 | number of dd search per token get |
_lm_deferred_msg_timeout | 163 | deferred message timeout |
_lm_drm_batch_time | 10 | time in seconds to wait to batch drm requests |
_lm_drm_disable | 0 | disable drm in different level |
_lm_drm_hiload_percentage | 200 | drm high load threshold percentage |
_lm_drm_lowload_percentage | 200 | drm low load threshold percentage |
_lm_drm_max_requests | 100 | dynamic remastering maximum affinity requests processed together |
_lm_drm_min_interval | 300 | minimum interval in secs between two consecutive drms |
_lm_drm_object_scan | TRUE | enable/disable object scan to force full table scan always |
_lm_drm_window | 0 | dynamic remastering bucket window size |
_lm_drm_xlatch | 0 | dynamic remastering forced exclusive latches |
_lm_dump_null_lock | FALSE | dump null lock in state dump |
_lm_dynamic_lms | FALSE | dynamic lms invocation |
_lm_dynamic_load | TRUE | dynamic load adjustment |
_lm_enable_aff_benefit_stats | FALSE | enables affinity benefit computations if TRUE |
_lm_enq_lock_freelist | Number of ges enqueue element freelist | |
_lm_enq_rcfg | TRUE | if TRUE enables enqueue reconfiguration |
_lm_enqueue_blocker_dump_timeout | 120 | enqueue blocker dump timeout |
_lm_enqueue_blocker_kill_timeout | 0 | enqueue blocker kill timeout |
_lm_enqueue_freelist | 3 | Number of enqueue freelist |
_lm_enqueue_timeout | 360 | enqueue suggested min timeout in seconds |
_lm_file_affinity | mapping between file id and master instance number | |
_lm_file_read_mostly | mapping between read-mostly file id and master instance number | |
_lm_free_queue_threshold | 0 | GES free queue threshold |
_lm_freeze_kill_time | 30 | timeout for killing unfrozen processes in rcfg/drm freeze step |
_lm_global_posts | TRUE | if TRUE deliver global posts to remote nodes |
_lm_hb_callstack_collect_time | 5 | hb diagnostic call stack collection time in seconds |
_lm_hb_disable_check_list | none | list of process names to be disabled in heartbeat check |
_lm_high_load_sysload_percentage | 90 | high watermark system load percentage |
_lm_high_load_threshold | 5 | high load threshold parameter |
_lm_idle_connection_check | TRUE | GES idle connection check |
_lm_idle_connection_check_interval | 140 | GES idle connection check interval time |
_lm_idle_connection_instance_check_callout | FALSE | GES idle connection instance check callout |
_lm_idle_connection_kill | TRUE | GES idle connection kill |
_lm_kill_fg_on_timeout | TRUE | GES kill fg on IPC timeout |
_lm_lhupd_interval | 5 | load and health update interval |
_lm_lmd_waittime | 8 | default wait time for lmd in centiseconds |
_lm_lmon_nowait_latch | TRUE | if TRUE makes lmon get nowait latches with timeout loop |
_lm_lms | 4 | number of background gcs server processes to start |
_lm_lms_priority_dynamic | TRUE | enable lms priority modification |
_lm_lms_rt_threshold | maximum number of real time lms processes on machine | |
_lm_lms_spin | FALSE | make lms not sleep |
_lm_lms_waittime | 3 | default wait time for lms in centiseconds |
_lm_local_hp_enq | TRUE | use static file affinity for HP enqueue mastership |
_lm_locks | 12000 | number of enqueues configured for cluster database |
_lm_low_load_percentage | 75 | low watermark percentage for load threshold |
_lm_master_weight | 1 | master resource weight for this instance |
_lm_max_lms | 2 | max. number of background global cache server processes |
_lm_msg_batch_size | 8192 | GES batch message size |
_lm_msg_cleanup_interval | 3000 | GES message buffer cleanup interval time |
_lm_no_lh_check | FALSE | skip load and health check at decision points |
_lm_no_sync | TRUE | skip reconfiguration/drm syncr/synca messaging |
_lm_node_join_opt | FALSE | cluster database node join optimization in reconfig |
_lm_non_fault_tolerant | FALSE | disable cluster database fault-tolerance mode |
_lm_num_pt_buckets | 8192 | number of buckets in the object affinity hash table |
_lm_num_pt_latches | 128 | number of latches in the object affinity hash table |
_lm_postevent_buffer_size | 256 | postevent buffer size |
_lm_preregister_css_restype | CF | enqueue type that requires pre-registration to css |
_lm_proc_freeze_timeout | 70 | reconfiguration: process freeze timeout |
_lm_process_batching | TRUE | GES implicit process batching for IPC messages |
_lm_procs | 320 | number of client processes configured for cluster database |
_lm_psrcfg | TRUE | enable pseudo reconfiguration |
_lm_rac_spare_dp1 | 0 | rac parameter dp1 |
_lm_rac_spare_dp10 | rac parameter dp10 | |
_lm_rac_spare_dp2 | 0 | rac parameter dp2 |
_lm_rac_spare_dp3 | 0 | rac parameter dp3 |
_lm_rac_spare_dp4 | 0 | rac parameter dp4 |
_lm_rac_spare_dp5 | 0 | rac parameter dp5 |
_lm_rac_spare_dp6 | rac parameter dp6 | |
_lm_rac_spare_dp7 | rac parameter dp7 | |
_lm_rac_spare_dp8 | rac parameter dp8 | |
_lm_rac_spare_dp9 | rac parameter dp9 | |
_lm_rac_spare_p1 | 0 | rac parameter p1 |
_lm_rac_spare_p10 | rac parameter p10 | |
_lm_rac_spare_p2 | 0 | rac parameter p2 |
_lm_rac_spare_p3 | 0 | rac parameter p3 |
_lm_rac_spare_p4 | 0 | rac parameter p4 |
_lm_rac_spare_p5 | 0 | rac parameter p5 |
_lm_rac_spare_p6 | rac parameter p6 | |
_lm_rac_spare_p7 | rac parameter p7 | |
_lm_rac_spare_p8 | rac parameter p8 | |
_lm_rac_spare_p9 | rac parameter p9 | |
_lm_rcfg_timeout | 489 | dlm reconfiguration timeout |
_lm_rcvinst | TRUE | designated instance to do instance recovery |
_lm_rcvr_hang_allow_time | 70 | receiver hang allow time in seconds |
_lm_rcvr_hang_cfio_kill | FALSE | to kill receiver hang at control file IO |
_lm_rcvr_hang_check_frequency | 20 | receiver hang check frequency in seconds |
_lm_rcvr_hang_check_system_load | TRUE | examine system load when check receiver health |
_lm_rcvr_hang_kill | TRUE | to kill receiver hang |
_lm_rcvr_hang_systemstate_dump_level | 0 | systemstate dump level upon receiver hang |
_lm_res_hash_bucket | 0 | number of resource hash buckets |
_lm_res_part | 128 | number of resource partition configured for gcs |
_lm_ress | 6000 | number of resources configured for cluster database |
_lm_send_mode | auto | GES send mode |
_lm_send_queue_batching | TRUE | GES send queue message batching |
_lm_send_queue_length | 5000 | GES send queue maximum length |
_lm_sendproxy_reserve | 25 | GES percentage of send proxy reserve of send tickets |
_lm_share_lock_opt | FALSE | if TRUE enables share lock optimization |
_lm_single_inst_affinity_lock | FALSE | enable single instance affinity lock optimization |
_lm_spare_threads | 0 | number of spare threads to be created by the GPnP master |
_lm_spare_undo | 0 | number of spare undo tablespaces to be created by GPnP master |
_lm_sq_batch_factor | 2 | GES send queue minimum batching factor |
_lm_sq_batch_type | auto | GES send queue batching mechanism |
_lm_sq_batch_waittick | 3 | GES send queue batching waittime in tick |
_lm_sync_timeout | 163 | Synchronization timeout for DLM reconfiguration steps |
_lm_ticket_active_sendback | Flow control ticket active sendback threshold | |
_lm_tickets | 1000 | GES messaging tickets |
_lm_tx_delta | 16 | TX lock localization delta |
_lm_use_gcr | TRUE | use GCR module if TRUE |
_lm_use_new_defmsgtmo_action | TRUE | use new defered msg queue timeout action |
_lm_use_tx_tsn | TRUE | use undo tsn affinity master as TX enqueue master |
_lm_validate_pbatch | FALSE | GES process batch validation |
_lm_validate_resource_type | FALSE | if TRUE enables resource name validation |
_lm_watchpoint_maximum | 3 | GES number of watchpoints |
_lm_watchpoint_timeout | 3600 | GES maximum time in seconds to keep watchpoint |
_lm_xids | 352 | number of transaction IDs configured for cluster database |
_lmn_compression | TRUE | suppl logging for compression enabled |
_load_without_compile | none | Load PL/SQL or Database objects without compilation |
_local_arc_assert_on_wait | FALSE | Assert whenever local ORL arch waits for space |
_local_communication_costing_enabled | TRUE | enable local communication costing when TRUE |
_local_communication_ratio | 50 | set the ratio between global and local communication (0..100) |
_local_hang_analysis_interval_secs | 3 | the interval at which local hang analysis is run |
_lock_sga_areas | 0 | Lock specified areas of the SGA in physical memory |
_log_archive_avoid_memcpy | TRUE | log archive avoid memcpy |
_log_archive_buffers | 10 | Number of buffers to allocate for archiving |
_log_archive_callout | archival callout | |
_log_archive_network_redo_size | 10 | Log archive network redo buffer size used by ARCH |
_log_archive_prot_auto_demote | FALSE | log archive protection auto demotion |
_log_archive_security_enabled | TRUE | log archive security enabled |
_log_archive_strong_auth | TRUE | log archive security strong auth |
_log_archive_trace_pids | log archive trace pids parameter | |
_log_blocks_during_backup | TRUE | log block images when changed during backup |
_log_buffer_coalesce | FALSE | Coalescing log buffers for log writes |
_log_buffers_corrupt | FALSE | corrupt redo buffers before write |
_log_buffers_debug | FALSE | debug redo buffers (slows things down) |
_log_checkpoint_recovery_check | 0 | # redo blocks to verify after checkpoint |
_log_committime_block_cleanout | FALSE | Log commit-time block cleanout |
_log_deletion_policy | mandatory | archivelog deletion policy for mandatory/all destination |
_log_event_queues | 0 | number of the log writer event queues |
_log_file_sync_timeout | 10 | Log file sync timeout (centiseconds) |
_log_io_size | 0 | automatically initiate log write if this many redo blocks in buffer |
_log_max_optimize_threads | 128 | maximum number of threads to which log scan optimization is applied |
_log_parallelism_dynamic | TRUE | Enable dynamic strands |
_log_parallelism_max | 2 | Maximum number of log buffer strands |
_log_private_mul | 5 | Private strand multiplier for log space preallocation |
_log_private_parallelism_mul | 10 | Active sessions multiplier to deduce number of private strands |
_log_read_buffer_size | 8 | buffer size for reading log files |
_log_read_buffers | 8 | Number of log read buffers for media recovery |
_log_simultaneous_copies | 32 | number of simultaneous copies into redo buffer(# of copy latches) |
_log_space_errors | TRUE | should we report space errors to alert log |
_log_switch_timeout | 0 | Maximum number of seconds redos in the current log could span |
_logout_storm_rate | 0 | number of processes that can logout in a second |
_logout_storm_retrycnt | 600 | maximum retry count for logouts |
_logout_storm_timeout | 5 | timeout in centi-seconds for time to wait between retries |
_long_bcast_ack_warning_threshold | 500 | threshold for long bcast ack warning messages in ms |
_long_log_write_warning_threshold | 500 | threshold for long log write warning messages in ms |
_longops_enabled | TRUE | longops stats enabled |
_low_server_threshold | 0 | low server thresholds |
_lowres_drift_allowed_sec | 5 | allowed lowres timer drift for VKTM |
_ltc_trace | 0 | tracing level for load table conventional |
_main_dead_process_scan_interval | 0 | PMON main dead process scan interval (in seconds) |
_master_direct_sends | 31 | direct sends for messages from master (DFS) |
_mav_refresh_consistent_read | TRUE | refresh materialized views using consistent read snapshot |
_mav_refresh_double_count_prevented | FALSE | materialized view MAV refreshes avoid double counting |
_mav_refresh_opt | 0 | optimizations during refresh of materialized views |
_mav_refresh_unionall_tables | 3 | # tables for union all expansion during materialized view refresh |
_max_aq_persistent_queue_memory | 10 | max aq persistent queue memory |
_max_async_wait_for_catch_up | 20 | Switchover wait time for async LNS to catch up in seconds |
_max_cr_rollbacks | 0 | Maximum number of CR rollbacks per block (LMS) |
_max_exponential_sleep | 0 | max sleep during exponential backoff |
_max_filestat_tries | 10 | maximum number of file stat tries |
_max_fsu_segments | 4096 | Maximum segments to track for fast space usage |
_max_fsu_stale_time | 600 | Allowed space usage staleness in seconds |
_max_io_size | 1048576 | Maximum I/O size in bytes for sequential file accesses |
_max_large_io | 0 | IORM:max number of large I/O's to issue |
_max_largepage_alloc_time_secs | 10 | Maximum number of seconds to spend on largepage allocation |
_max_lns_shutdown_archival_time | 30 | Maximum time spent by LNS to archive last log during shutdown |
_max_pending_scn_bcasts | 8 | maximum number of pending SCN broadcasts |
_max_protocol_support | 10000 | Max occurrence protocols supported in a process |
_max_reasonable_scn_rate | 32768 | Max reasonable SCN rate |
_max_rwgs_groupings | 8192 | maximum no of groupings on materialized views |
_max_services | 150 | maximum number of database services |
_max_shrink_obj_stats | 0 | number of segments for which shrink stats will be maintained |
_max_sleep_holding_latch | 4 | max time to sleep while holding a latch |
_max_small_io | 0 | IORM:max number of small I/O's to issue |
_max_spacebg_msgs_percentage | 50 | maximum space management interrupt message throttling |
_max_spacebg_slaves | 10 | maximum space management background slaves |
_max_spacebg_tasks | 1000 | maximum space management background tasks |
_media_recovery_read_batch | 32 | media recovery block read batch |
_mem_annotation_pr_lev | 0 | private memory annotation collection level |
_mem_annotation_scale | 1 | memory annotation pre-allocation scaling |
_mem_annotation_sh_lev | 0 | shared memory annotation collection level |
_mem_annotation_store | FALSE | memory annotation in-memory store |
_mem_std_extent_size | 4096 | standard extent size for fixed-size-extent heaps |
_memory_broker_log_stat_entries | 5 | memory broker num stat entries |
_memory_broker_marginal_utility_bc | 12 | Marginal Utility threshold pct for bc |
_memory_broker_marginal_utility_sp | 7 | Marginal Utility threshold pct for sp |
_memory_broker_shrink_heaps | 15 | memory broker allow policy to shrink shared pool |
_memory_broker_shrink_java_heaps | 900 | memory broker allow policy to shrink java pool |
_memory_broker_shrink_streams_pool | 900 | memory broker allow policy to shrink streams pool |
_memory_broker_shrink_timeout | 60000000 | memory broker policy to timeout shrink shared/java pool |
_memory_broker_stat_interval | 30 | memory broker statistics gathering interval for auto sga |
_memory_checkinuse_timeintv | 30 | check inuse time interval |
_memory_imm_mode_without_autosga | TRUE | Allow immediate mode without sga/memory target |
_memory_initial_sga_split_perc | 60 | Initial default sga target percentage with memory target |
_memory_management_tracing | 0 | trace memory management activity |
_memory_mgmt_fail_immreq | FALSE | always fail immediate mode request |
_memory_mgmt_immreq_timeout | 150 | time in seconds to time out immediate mode request |
_memory_nocancel_defsgareq | FALSE | do not cancel deferred sga reqs with auto-memory |
_memory_sanity_check | 0 | partial granule sanity check |
_messages | 3000 | message queue resources - dependent on # processes & # buffers |
_mgd_rcv_handle_orphan_datafiles | FALSE | Managed recovery handle orphan datafile situation |
_midtier_affinity_clusterwait_threshold | 100 | cluster wait threshold to enter affinity |
_midtier_affinity_goodness_threshold | 2000 | goodness gradient threshold to dissolve affinity |
_minfree_plus | 0 | max percentage of block space + minfree before we mark block full |
_minimal_stats_aggregation | TRUE | prohibit stats aggregation at compile/partition maintenance time |
_minimum_blocks_to_shrink | 0 | minimum number freeable blocks for shrink to be present |
_minimum_db_flashback_retention | 60 | Minimum flashback retention |
_minimum_extents_to_shrink | 1 | minimum number freeable extents for shrink to be present |
_mirror_redo_buffers | FALSE | Save buffers for debugging redo corruptions |
_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled | TRUE | allow rewrites with multiple MVs and/or base tables |
_module_action_old_length | TRUE | Use module and action old length parameter |
_mpmt_enabled | FALSE | MPMT mode enabled |
_multi_instance_pmr | TRUE | force multi instance or single instance parallel recovery |
_multi_join_key_table_lookup | TRUE | TRUE iff multi-join-key table lookup prefetch is enabled |
_multiple_instance_recovery | FALSE | use multiple instances for media recovery |
_mutex_spin_count | 255 | Mutex spin count |
_mutex_wait_scheme | 2 | Mutex wait scheme |
_mutex_wait_time | 1 | Mutex wait time |
_mv_generalized_oj_refresh_opt | TRUE | enable/disable new algorithm for MJV with generalized outer joins |
_mv_refresh_ana | 0 | what percent to analyze after complete/PCT refresh |
_mv_refresh_costing | rule | refresh decision based on cost or on rules |
_mv_refresh_delta_fraction | 10 | delta mv as fractional percentage of size of mv |
_mv_refresh_enhanced_dml_detection | ON_RC | enable enhanced detection of DML types from MV log |
_mv_refresh_eut | TRUE | refresh materialized views using EUT(partition)-based algorithm |
_mv_refresh_force_parallel_query | 0 | force materialized view refreshes to use parallel query |
_mv_refresh_new_setup_disabled | FALSE | materialized view MV refresh new setup disabling |
_mv_refresh_no_idx_rebuild | FALSE | avoid index rebuild as part of the MV refresh |
_mv_refresh_pkfk_data_units_opt | auto | control MV refresh based on the assumption of PK-FK data units |
_mv_refresh_pkfk_relationship_opt | TRUE | control MV refresh based on the use of PK-FK relationships |
_mv_refresh_rebuild_percentage | 10 | minimum percentage change required in MV to force an indexrebuild |
_mv_refresh_selections | TRUE | create materialized views with selections and fast refresh |
_mv_refresh_update_analysis | TRUE | materialized view refresh using update analysis |
_mv_refresh_use_hash_sj | TRUE | use hash_sj hint in queries |
_mv_refresh_use_no_merge | TRUE | use no_merge hint in queries |
_mv_refresh_use_stats | FALSE | pass cardinality hints to refresh queries |
_mv_refsched_timeincr | 300000 | proportionality constant for dop vs. time in MV refresh |
_mv_rolling_inv | FALSE | create/alter mv uses rolling cursor invalidation instead of immediate |
_mwin_schedule | TRUE | Enable/disable Maintenance Window Schedules |
_nchar_imp_cnv | TRUE | NLS allow Implicit Conversion between CHAR and NCHAR |
_nchar_imp_conv | TRUE | should implicit conversion bewteen clob and nclob be allowed |
_ncmb_readahead_enabled | 0 | enable multi-block readahead for an index scan |
_ncmb_readahead_tracing | 0 | turn on multi-block readahead tracing |
_ncomp_shared_objects_dir | /u01/app/oracle/product/ | native compilation shared objects dir |
_nested_loop_fudge | 100 | nested loop fudge |
_nested_mv_fast_oncommit_enabled | TRUE | nested MV refresh fast on commit allowed |
_new_initial_join_orders | TRUE | enable initial join orders based on new ordering heuristics |
_new_sort_cost_estimate | TRUE | enables the use of new cost estimate for sort |
_newsort_enabled | TRUE | controls whether new sorts can be used as system sort |
_newsort_ordered_pct | 63 | controls when new sort avoids sorting ordered input |
_newsort_type | 0 | specifies options for the new sort algorithm |
_nineteenth_spare_parameter | nineteenth spare parameter - string list | |
_ninth_spare_parameter | ninth spare parameter - integer | |
_nlj_batching_ae_flag | 2 | FAE flag type set after restoring to IO batching buffer |
_nlj_batching_enabled | 1 | enable batching of the RHS IO in NLJ |
_nlj_batching_misses_enabled | 1 | enable exceptions for buffer cache misses |
_nls_parameter_sync_enabled | TRUE | enables or disables updates to v$parameter whenever an alter session statement modifies various nls parameters |
_no_objects | FALSE | no object features are used |
_no_or_expansion | FALSE | OR expansion during optimization disabled |
_no_recovery_through_resetlogs | FALSE | no recovery through this resetlogs operation |
_noseg_for_unusable_index_enabled | TRUE | no segments for unusable indexes if set to TRUE |
_notify_crs | TRUE | notify cluster ready services of startup and shutdown |
_ns_max_flush_wt | 1 | Flush wait time for NetServer to flush oustanding writes |
_ns_max_send_delay | 15 | Data Loss Time Bound for NetServer |
_num_longop_child_latches | 16 | number of child latches for long op array |
_numa_buffer_cache_stats | 0 | Configure NUMA buffer cache stats |
_numa_trace_level | 0 | numa trace event |
_number_cached_attributes | 10 | maximum number of cached attributes per instance |
_number_cached_group_memberships | 32 | maximum number of cached group memberships |
_obj_ckpt_tracing | 0 | Enable object checkpoint tracing |
_object_number_cache_size | 5 | Object number cache size |
_object_reuse_bast | 2 | if 1 or higher, handle object reuse |
_object_statistics | TRUE | enable the object level statistics collection |
_object_stats_max_entries | 3072 | Maximum number of entries to be tracked per stat |
_offline_rollback_segments | offline undo segment list | |
_ogms_home | GMS home directory | |
_olap_adv_comp_stats_cc_precomp | 20 | do additional predicate stats analysis for AW rowsource |
_olap_adv_comp_stats_max_rows | 100000 | do additional predicate stats analysis for AW rowsource |
_olap_aggregate_buffer_size | 1048576 | OLAP Aggregate max buffer size |
_olap_aggregate_flags | 0 | OLAP Aggregate debug flags |
_olap_aggregate_function_cache_enabled | TRUE | OLAP Aggregate function cache enabler |
_olap_aggregate_max_thread_tuples | 5000 | OLAP Aggregate max thread tuples creation |
_olap_aggregate_min_buffer_size | 1024 | OLAP Aggregate min buffer size |
_olap_aggregate_min_thread_status | 64 | OLAP Aggregate minimum cardinality of dimensions for thread |
_olap_aggregate_multipath_hier | FALSE | OLAP Aggregate Multi-path Hierarhies enabled |
_olap_aggregate_statlen_thresh | 1024 | OLAP Aggregate status array usage threshold |
_olap_aggregate_work_per_thread | 1024 | OLAP Aggregate max work parents |
_olap_aggregate_worklist_max | 5000 | OLAP Aggregate max worklists generated at once |
_olap_allocate_errorlog_format | %8p %8y %8z %e (%n) | OLAP Allocate Errorlog Format |
_olap_allocate_errorlog_header | Dim Source
Basis %-8d %-8s %-8b Description -------- -------- -------- ----------- |
OLAP Allocate Errorlog Header format |
_olap_analyze_max | 10000 | OLAP DML ANALYZE command max cells to analyze |
_olap_continuous_trace_file | FALSE | OLAP logging definition |
_olap_dbgoutfile_echo_to_eventlog | FALSE | OLAP DbgOutfile copy output to event log (tracefile) |
_olap_dimension_corehash_force | FALSE | OLAP Dimension In-Core Hash Table Force |
_olap_dimension_corehash_large | 50000 | OLAP Dimension In-Core Hash Table Large Threshold |
_olap_dimension_corehash_pressure | 90 | OLAP Dimension In-Core Hash Table Pressure Threshold |
_olap_dimension_corehash_size | 30 | OLAP Dimension In-Core Hash Table Maximum Memory Use |
_olap_eif_export_lob_size | 2147483647 | OLAP EIF Export BLOB size |
_olap_lmgen_dim_size | 100 | Limitmap generator dimension column size |
_olap_lmgen_meas_size | 1000 | Limitmap generator measure column size |
_olap_object_hash_class | 3 | OLAP Object Hash Table Class |
_olap_page_pool_expand_rate | 20 | OLAP Page Pool Expand Rate |
_olap_page_pool_hi | 50 | OLAP Page Pool High Watermark |
_olap_page_pool_hit_target | 100 | OLAP Page Pool Hit Target |
_olap_page_pool_low | 262144 | OLAP Page Pool Low Watermark |
_olap_page_pool_pressure | 90 | OLAP Page Pool Pressure Threshold |
_olap_page_pool_shrink_rate | 50 | OLAP Page Pool Shrink Rate |
_olap_parallel_update_server_num | 0 | OLAP parallel update server count |
_olap_parallel_update_small_threshold | 1000 | OLAP parallel update threshold for number of small pagespaces |
_olap_parallel_update_threshold | 1000 | OLAP parallel update threshold in pages |
_olap_sesscache_enabled | TRUE | OLAP Session Cache knob |
_olap_sort_buffer_pct | 10 | OLAP Sort Buffer Size Percentage |
_olap_sort_buffer_size | 262144 | OLAP Sort Buffer Size |
_olap_statbool_corebits | 20000000 | OLAP Status Boolean max incore bits |
_olap_statbool_threshold | 8100 | OLAP Status Boolean CBM threshold |
_olap_table_function_statistics | FALSE | Specify TRUE to output OLAP table function timed statistics trace |
_olap_wrap_errors | FALSE | Wrap error messages to OLAP outfile |
_olapi_history_retention | FALSE | enable olapi history retention |
_olapi_iface_object_history | 1000 | enable olapi interface object history collection |
_olapi_iface_object_history_retention | FALSE | enable olapi interface object history retention |
_olapi_iface_operation_history_retention | FALSE | enable olapi interface operation history retention |
_olapi_interface_operation_history | 1000 | enable olapi interface operation history collection |
_olapi_memory_operation_history | 1000 | enable olapi memory alloc/free history collection |
_olapi_memory_operation_history_pause_at_seqno | 0 | enable olapi memory alloc/free history collection pausing |
_olapi_memory_operation_history_retention | FALSE | enable olapi memory operation history retention |
_olapi_session_history | 300 | enable olapi session history collection |
_olapi_session_history_retention | FALSE | enable olapi session history retention |
_old_connect_by_enabled | FALSE | enable/disable old connect by |
_ols_cleanup_task | TRUE | Clean up unnecessary entries in OLS sessinfo table |
_oltp_compression | TRUE | oltp compression enabled |
_oltp_compression_gain | 10 | oltp compression gain |
_omf | enabled | enable/disable OMF |
_oneside_colstat_for_equijoins | TRUE | sanity check on default selectivity for like/range predicate |
_online_patch_disable_stack_check | FALSE | disable check for function on stack for online patches |
_ops_per_semop | the exact number of operations per semop system call | |
_optim_adjust_for_part_skews | TRUE | adjust stats for skews across partitions |
_optim_dict_stats_at_db_cr_upg | TRUE | enable/disable dictionary stats gathering at db create/upgrade |
_optim_enhance_nnull_detection | TRUE | TRUE to enable index [fast] full scan more often |
_optim_new_default_join_sel | TRUE | improves the way default equijoin selectivity are computed |
_optim_peek_user_binds | TRUE | enable peeking of user binds |
_optimizer_adaptive_cursor_sharing | TRUE | optimizer adaptive cursor sharing |
_optimizer_adjust_for_nulls | TRUE | adjust selectivity for null values |
_optimizer_autostats_job | TRUE | enable/disable auto stats collection job |
_optimizer_aw_join_push_enabled | TRUE | Enables AW Join Push optimization |
_optimizer_aw_stats_enabled | TRUE | Enables statistcs on AW olap_table table function |
_optimizer_better_inlist_costing | ALL | enable improved costing of index access using in-list(s) |
_optimizer_block_size | 8192 | standard block size used by optimizer |
_optimizer_cache_stats | FALSE | cost with cache statistics |
_optimizer_cartesian_enabled | TRUE | optimizer cartesian join enabled |
_optimizer_cbqt_factor | 50 | cost factor for cost-based query transformation |
_optimizer_cbqt_no_size_restriction | TRUE | disable cost based transformation query size restriction |
_optimizer_ceil_cost | TRUE | CEIL cost in CBO |
_optimizer_coalesce_subqueries | TRUE | consider coalescing of subqueries optimization |
_optimizer_complex_pred_selectivity | TRUE | enable selectivity estimation for builtin functions |
_optimizer_compute_index_stats | TRUE | force index stats collection on index creation/rebuild |
_optimizer_connect_by_cb_whr_only | FALSE | use cost-based transformation for whr clause in connect by |
_optimizer_connect_by_combine_sw | TRUE | combine no filtering connect by and start with |
_optimizer_connect_by_cost_based | TRUE | use cost-based transformation for connect by |
_optimizer_connect_by_elim_dups | TRUE | allow connect by to eliminate duplicates from input |
_optimizer_correct_sq_selectivity | TRUE | force correct computation of subquery selectivity |
_optimizer_cost_based_transformation | LINEAR | enables cost-based query transformation |
_optimizer_cost_filter_pred | FALSE | enables costing of filter predicates in IO cost model |
_optimizer_cost_hjsmj_multimatch | TRUE | add cost of generating result set when #rows per key > 1 |
_optimizer_cost_model | CHOOSE | optimizer cost model |
_optimizer_degree | 0 | force the optimizer to use the same degree of parallelism |
_optimizer_dim_subq_join_sel | TRUE | use join selectivity in choosing star transformation dimensions |
_optimizer_disable_strans_sanity_checks | 0 | disable star transformation sanity checks |
_optimizer_distinct_agg_transform | TRUE | Transforms Distinct Aggregates to non-distinct aggregates |
_optimizer_distinct_elimination | TRUE | Eliminates redundant SELECT DISTNCT's |
_optimizer_distinct_placement | TRUE | consider distinct placement optimization |
_optimizer_dyn_smp_blks | 32 | number of blocks for optimizer dynamic sampling |
_optimizer_eliminate_filtering_join | TRUE | optimizer filtering join elimination enabled |
_optimizer_enable_density_improvements | TRUE | use improved density computation for selectivity estimation |
_optimizer_enable_extended_stats | TRUE | use extended statistics for selectivity estimation |
_optimizer_enable_table_lookup_by_nl | TRUE | consider table lookup by nl transformation |
_optimizer_enhanced_filter_push | TRUE | push filters before trying cost-based query transformation |
_optimizer_extend_jppd_view_types | TRUE | join pred pushdown on group-by, distinct, semi-/anti-joined view |
_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing | UDO | optimizer extended cursor sharing |
_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing_rel | SIMPLE | optimizer extended cursor sharing for relational operators |
_optimizer_extended_stats_usage_control | 192 | controls the optimizer usage of extended stats |
_optimizer_false_filter_pred_pullup | TRUE | optimizer false predicate pull up transformation |
_optimizer_fast_access_pred_analysis | TRUE | use fast algorithm to traverse predicates for physical optimizer |
_optimizer_fast_pred_transitivity | TRUE | use fast algorithm to generate transitive predicates |
_optimizer_feedback_control | controls the optimizer feedback framework | |
_optimizer_filter_pred_pullup | TRUE | use cost-based flter predicate pull up transformation |
_optimizer_filter_pushdown | TRUE | enable/disable filter predicate pushdown |
_optimizer_fkr_index_cost_bias | 10 | Optimizer index bias over FTS/IFFS under first K rows mode |
_optimizer_force_CBQT | force CBQT transformation regardless of cost | |
_optimizer_free_transformation_heap | TRUE | free transformation subheap after each transformation |
_optimizer_full_outer_join_to_outer | TRUE | enable/disable full outer to left outer join conversion |
_optimizer_group_by_placement | TRUE | consider group-by placement optimization |
_optimizer_ignore_hints | FALSE | enables the embedded hints to be ignored |
_optimizer_improve_selectivity | TRUE | improve table and partial overlap join selectivity computation |
_optimizer_instance_count | 0 | force the optimizer to use the specified number of instances |
_optimizer_interleave_jppd | TRUE | interleave join predicate pushdown during CBQT |
_optimizer_invalidation_period | 18000 | time window for invalidation of cursors of analyzed objects |
_optimizer_join_elimination_enabled | TRUE | optimizer join elimination enabled |
_optimizer_join_factorization | TRUE | use join factorization transformation |
_optimizer_join_order_control | 3 | controls the optimizer join order search algorithm |
_optimizer_join_sel_sanity_check | TRUE | enable/disable sanity check for multi-column join selectivity |
_optimizer_max_permutations | 2000 | optimizer maximum join permutations per query block |
_optimizer_min_cache_blocks | 10 | set minimum cached blocks |
_optimizer_mjc_enabled | TRUE | enable merge join cartesian |
_optimizer_mode_force | TRUE | force setting of optimizer mode for user recursive SQL also |
_optimizer_multi_level_push_pred | TRUE | consider join-predicate pushdown that requires multi-level pushdown to base table |
_optimizer_multiple_cenv | generate and run plans using several compilation environments | |
_optimizer_multiple_cenv_report | result | control what to report in trace file when run in multi-plan mode |
_optimizer_multiple_cenv_stmt | query | control the types of statements that are run in multi-plan mode |
_optimizer_native_full_outer_join | FORCE | execute full outer join using native implementaion |
_optimizer_nested_rollup_for_gset | 100 | number of groups above which we use nested rollup exec for gset |
_optimizer_new_join_card_computation | TRUE | compute join cardinality using non-rounded input values |
_optimizer_null_aware_antijoin | TRUE | null-aware antijoin parameter |
_optimizer_or_expansion | DEPTH | control or expansion approach used |
_optimizer_or_expansion_subheap | TRUE | Use subheap for optimizer or-expansion |
_optimizer_order_by_elimination_enabled | TRUE | Eliminates order bys from views before query transformation |
_optimizer_outer_join_to_inner | TRUE | enable/disable outer to inner join conversion |
_optimizer_outer_to_anti_enabled | TRUE | Enable transformation of outer-join to anti-join if possible |
_optimizer_percent_parallel | 101 | optimizer percent parallel |
_optimizer_purge_stats_iteration_row_count | 10000 | number of rows to be deleted at each iteration of the stats purging process |
_optimizer_push_down_distinct | 0 | push down distinct from query block to table |
_optimizer_push_pred_cost_based | TRUE | use cost-based query transformation for push pred optimization |
_optimizer_random_plan | 0 | optimizer seed value for random plans |
_optimizer_reuse_cost_annotations | TRUE | reuse cost annotations during cost-based query transformation |
_optimizer_rownum_bind_default | 10 | Default value to use for rownum bind |
_optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr | TRUE | enable the use of first K rows due to rownum predicate |
_optimizer_save_stats | TRUE | enable/disable saving old versions of optimizer stats |
_optimizer_search_limit | 5 | optimizer search limit |
_optimizer_self_induced_cache_cost | FALSE | account for self-induced caching |
_optimizer_skip_scan_enabled | TRUE | enable/disable index skip scan |
_optimizer_skip_scan_guess | FALSE | consider index skip scan for predicates with guessed selectivity |
_optimizer_sortmerge_join_enabled | TRUE | enable/disable sort-merge join method |
_optimizer_sortmerge_join_inequality | TRUE | enable/disable sort-merge join using inequality predicates |
_optimizer_squ_bottomup | TRUE | enables unnesting of subquery in a bottom-up manner |
_optimizer_star_tran_in_with_clause | TRUE | enable/disable star transformation in with clause queries |
_optimizer_star_trans_min_cost | 0 | optimizer star transformation minimum cost |
_optimizer_star_trans_min_ratio | 0 | optimizer star transformation minimum ratio |
_optimizer_starplan_enabled | TRUE | optimizer star plan enabled |
_optimizer_system_stats_usage | TRUE | system statistics usage |
_optimizer_table_expansion | TRUE | consider table expansion transformation |
_optimizer_trace | none | optimizer trace parameter |
_optimizer_transitivity_retain | TRUE | retain equi-join pred upon transitive equality pred generation |
_optimizer_try_st_before_jppd | TRUE | try Star Transformation before Join Predicate Push Down |
_optimizer_undo_changes | FALSE | undo changes to query optimizer |
_optimizer_undo_cost_change | | optimizer undo cost change |
_optimizer_unnest_all_subqueries | TRUE | enables unnesting of every type of subquery |
_optimizer_unnest_corr_set_subq | TRUE | Unnesting of correlated set subqueries (TRUE/FALSE) |
_optimizer_unnest_disjunctive_subq | TRUE | Unnesting of disjunctive subqueries (TRUE/FALSE) |
_optimizer_use_cbqt_star_transformation | TRUE | use rewritten star transformation using cbqt framework |
_optimizer_use_feedback | TRUE | optimizer use feedback |
_optimizer_use_subheap | TRUE | Enables physical optimizer subheap |
_or_expand_nvl_predicate | TRUE | enable OR expanded plan for NVL/DECODE predicate |
_oradbg_pathname | path of oradbg script | |
_oradebug_cmds_at_startup | oradebug commands to execute at instance startup | |
_oradebug_force | FALSE | force target processes to execute oradebug commands? |
_ordered_nested_loop | TRUE | enable ordered nested loop costing |
_ordered_semijoin | TRUE | enable ordered semi-join subquery |
_orph_cln_interval | 1200 | qmon periodic interval for removed subscriber messages cleanup |
_os_sched_high_priority | 1 | OS high priority level |
_oss_skgxp_udp_dynamic_credit_mgmt | 1 | OSSLIB enable[!0]/disable[0] dynamic credit mgmt for SKGXP-UDP |
_other_wait_event_exclusion | exclude event names from _other_wait_threshold calculations | |
_other_wait_threshold | 0 | threshold wait percentage for event wait class Other |
_outline_bitmap_tree | TRUE | BITMAP_TREE hint enabled in outline |
_parallel_adaptive_max_users | 4 | maximum number of users running with default DOP |
_parallel_blackbox_enabled | TRUE | parallel execution blackbox enabled |
_parallel_blackbox_size | 16384 | parallel execution blackbox bucket size |
_parallel_broadcast_enabled | TRUE | enable broadcasting of small inputs to hash and sort merge joins |
_parallel_cluster_cache_pct | 80 | max percentage of the global buffer cache to use for affinity |
_parallel_cluster_cache_policy | ADAPTIVE | policy used for parallel execution on cluster(ADAPTIVE/CACHED) |
_parallel_conservative_queuing | FALSE | conservative parallel statement queuing |
_parallel_default_max_instances | 2 | default maximum number of instances for parallel query |
_parallel_execution_message_align | FALSE | Alignment of PX buffers to OS page boundary |
_parallel_fake_class_pct | 0 | fake db-scheduler percent used for testing |
_parallel_fixwrite_bucket | 1000 | Number of buckets for each round of fix write |
_parallel_heartbeat_snapshot_interval | 2 | interval of snapshot to track px msging between instances |
_parallel_heartbeat_snapshot_max | 128 | maximum number of historical snapshots archived |
_parallel_load_bal_unit | 0 | number of threads to allocate per instance |
_parallel_load_balancing | TRUE | parallel execution load balanced slave allocation |
_parallel_load_publish_threshold | 10 | diffrence in percentage controlling px load propagation |
_parallel_min_message_pool | 0 | minimum size of shared pool memory to reserve for pq servers |
_parallel_optimization_phase_for_local | FALSE | parallel optimization phase when all slaves are local |
_parallel_queuing_max_waitingtime | parallel statement queuing: max waiting time in queue | |
_parallel_recovery_stopat | 32767 | stop at -position- to step through SMON |
_parallel_replay_msg_limit | 4000 | Number of messages for each round of parallel replay |
_parallel_scalability | 50 | Parallel scalability criterion for parallel execution |
_parallel_server_idle_time | 30000 | idle time before parallel query server dies (in 1/100 sec) |
_parallel_server_sleep_time | 10 | sleep time between dequeue timeouts (in 1/100ths) |
_parallel_slave_acquisition_wait | 1 | time(in seconds) to wait before retrying slave acquisition |
_parallel_statement_queuing | FALSE | parallel statement queuing enabled |
_parallel_syspls_obey_force | TRUE | TRUE to obey force parallel query/dml/ddl under System PL/SQL |
_parallel_time_unit | 10 | unit of work used to derive the degree of parallelism (in seconds) |
_parallel_txn_global | FALSE | enable parallel_txn hint with updates and deletes |
_parallelism_cost_fudge_factor | 350 | set the parallelism cost fudge factor |
_parameter_table_block_size | 2048 | parameter table block size |
_partial_pwise_join_enabled | TRUE | enable partial partition-wise join when TRUE |
_partition_large_extents | TRUE | Enables large extent allocation for partitioned tables |
_partition_view_enabled | TRUE | enable/disable partitioned views |
_passwordfile_enqueue_timeout | 900 | password file enqueue timeout in seconds |
_pct_refresh_double_count_prevented | TRUE | materialized view PCT refreshes avoid double counting |
_pdml_gim_sampling | 5000 | control separation of global index maintenance for PDML |
_pdml_gim_staggered | FALSE | slaves start on different index when doing index maint |
_pdml_slaves_diff_part | TRUE | slaves start on different partition when doing index maint |
_percent_flashback_buf_partial_full | 50 | Percent of flashback buffer filled to be considered partial full |
_pga_large_extent_size | 1048576 | PGA large extent size |
_pga_max_size | 1503232000 | Maximum size of the PGA memory for one process |
_pgactx_cap_stacks | FALSE | capture stacks for setting pgactx |
_pivot_implementation_method | CHOOSE | pivot implementation method |
_pkt_enable | FALSE | enable progressive kill test |
_pkt_pmon_interval | 50 | PMON process clean-up interval (cs) |
_pkt_start | FALSE | start progressive kill test instrumention |
_plan_outline_data | TRUE | explain plan outline data enabled |
_plan_verify_improvement_margin | 150 | Performance improvement criterion for evolving plan baselines |
_plan_verify_local_time_limit | 0 | Local time limit to use for an individual plan verification |
_plsql_anon_block_code_type | INTERPRETED | PL/SQL anonymous block code-type |
_plsql_cache_enable | TRUE | PL/SQL Function Cache Enabled |
_plsql_dump_buffer_events | conditions upon which the PL/SQL circular buffer is dumped | |
_plsql_max_stack_size | 0 | PL/SQL maximum stack size |
_plsql_minimum_cache_hit_percent | 20 | plsql minimum cache hit percentage required to keep caching active |
_plsql_native_frame_threshold | 4294967294 | Allocate PL/SQL native frames on the heap if size exceeds this value |
_plsql_nvl_optimize | FALSE | PL/SQL NVL optimize |
_pmon_dead_blkrs_alive_chk_rate_secs | 3 | rate to check blockers are alive during cleanup (in seconds) |
_pmon_dead_blkrs_max_blkrs | 200 | max blockers to check during cleanup |
_pmon_dead_blkrs_max_cleanup_attempts | 5 | max attempts per blocker while checking dead blockers |
_pmon_dead_blkrs_scan_rate_secs | 3 | rate to scan for dead blockers during cleanup (in seconds) |
_pmon_enable_dead_blkrs | TRUE | look for dead blockers during PMON cleanup |
_pmon_load_constants | 300,192,64,3,10,10,0,0 | server load balancing constants (S,P,D,I,L,C,M) |
_pmon_max_consec_posts | 5 | PMON max consecutive posts in main loop |
_post_wait_queues_dynamic_queues | 40 | Post Wait Queues - Num Dynamic Queues |
_post_wait_queues_num_per_class | Post Wait Queues - Num Per Class | |
_pqq_debug_txn_act | FALSE | pq queuing transaction active |
_pqq_enabled | TRUE | Enable Resource Manager based Parallel Statement Queuing |
_pre_rewrite_push_pred | TRUE | push predicates into views before rewrite |
_precompute_gid_values | TRUE | precompute gid values and copy them before returning a row |
_pred_move_around | TRUE | enables predicate move-around |
_predicate_elimination_enabled | TRUE | allow predicate elimination if set to TRUE |
_prescomm | FALSE | presume commit of IMU transactions |
_print_refresh_schedule | FALSE | enable dbms_output of materialized view refresh schedule |
_private_memory_address | Start address of large extent memory segment | |
_project_view_columns | TRUE | enable projecting out unreferenced columns of a view |
_projection_pushdown | TRUE | projection pushdown |
_projection_pushdown_debug | 0 | level for projection pushdown debugging |
_prop_old_enabled | FALSE | Shift to pre 11g propagation behaviour |
_protect_frame_heaps | FALSE | Protect cursor frame heaps |
_ptn_cache_threshold | 0 | flags and threshold to control partition metadata caching |
_push_join_predicate | TRUE | enable pushing join predicate inside a view |
_push_join_union_view | TRUE | enable pushing join predicate inside a union all view |
_push_join_union_view2 | TRUE | enable pushing join predicate inside a union view |
_px_adaptive_offload_pecentage | 0 | percentage for PQ adaptive offloading of granules |
_px_adaptive_offload_threshold | 10 | threshold (GB/s) for PQ adaptive offloading of granules |
_px_async_getgranule | FALSE | asynchronous get granule in the slave |
_px_bind_peek_sharing | TRUE | enables sharing of px cursors that were built using bind peeking |
_px_broadcast_fudge_factor | 100 | set the tq broadcasting fudge factor percentage |
_px_buffer_ttl | 30 | ttl for px mesg buffers in seconds |
_px_chunklist_count_ratio | 8 | ratio of the number of chunk lists to the default DOP per instance |
_px_compilation_debug | 0 | debug level for parallel compilation |
_px_compilation_trace | 0 | tracing level for parallel compilation |
_px_dump_12805_source | TRUE | enables or disables tracing of 12805 signal source |
_px_dynamic_opt | TRUE | turn off/on restartable qerpx dynamic optimization |
_px_dynamic_sample_size | 50 | num of samples for restartable qerpx dynamic optimization |
_px_execution_services_enabled | TRUE | enable service-based constraint of px slave allocation |
_px_freelist_latch_divisor | 2 | Divide the computed number of freelists by this power of 2 |
_px_gim_factor | 100 | weighted autodop global index maintenance factor |
_px_granule_batch_size | 10 | default size of a batch of granules |
_px_granule_randomize | TRUE | enables or disables randomization of parallel scans rowid granules |
_px_granule_size | 1000000 | default size of a rowid range granule (in KB) |
_px_hold_time | 0 | hold px at execution time (unit: second) |
_px_index_sampling | 200 | parallel query sampling for index create (100000 = 100%) |
_px_index_sampling_objsize | TRUE | parallel query sampling for index create based on object size |
_px_io_process_bandwidth | 200 | IO process bandwidth in MB/sec for computing DOP |
_px_io_system_bandwidth | 0 | total IO system bandwidth in MB/sec for computing DOP |
_px_kxib_tracing | 0 | turn on kxib tracing |
_px_load_factor | 300 | weighted autodop load factor |
_px_load_publish_interval | 200 | interval at which LMON will check whether to publish PX load |
_px_loc_msg_cost | 1000 | CPU cost to send a PX message via shared memory |
_px_max_granules_per_slave | 100 | maximum number of rowid range granules to generate per slave |
_px_max_map_val | 32 | Maximum value of rehash mapping for PX |
_px_max_message_pool_pct | 40 | percentage of shared pool for px msg buffers range [5,60] |
_px_min_granules_per_slave | 13 | minimum number of rowid range granules to generate per slave |
_px_minus_intersect | TRUE | enables pq for minus/interect operators |
_px_net_msg_cost | 10000 | CPU cost to send a PX message over the internconnect |
_px_no_granule_sort | FALSE | prevent parallel partition granules to be sorted on size |
_px_no_stealing | FALSE | prevent parallel granule stealing in shared nothing environment |
_px_nss_planb | TRUE | enables or disables NSS Plan B reparse with outline |
_px_numa_stealing_enabled | TRUE | enable/disable PQ granule stealing across NUMA nodes |
_px_numa_support_enabled | TRUE | enable/disable PQ NUMA support |
_px_partition_scan_enabled | TRUE | enables or disables parallel partition-based scan |
_px_partition_scan_threshold | 64 | least number of partitions per slave to start partition-based scan |
_px_proc_constrain | TRUE | reduce parallel_max_servers if greater than (processes - fudge) |
_px_pwg_enabled | TRUE | parallel partition wise group by enabled |
_px_round_robin_rowcnt | 1000 | round robin row count to enq to next slave |
_px_rownum_pd | TRUE | turn off/on parallel rownum pushdown optimization |
_px_send_timeout | 300 | IPC message send timeout value in seconds |
_px_slaves_share_cursors | 0 | slaves share cursors with QC |
_px_trace | none | px trace parameter |
_px_ual_serial_input | TRUE | enables new pq for UNION operators |
_px_xtgranule_size | 10000 | default size of a external table granule (in KB) |
_qa_control | 0 | Oracle internal parameter to control QA |
_qa_lrg_type | 0 | Oracle internal parameter to specify QA lrg type |
_query_cost_rewrite | TRUE | perform the cost based rewrite with materialized views |
_query_execution_cache_max_size | 131072 | max size of query execution cache |
_query_mmvrewrite_maxcmaps | 20 | query mmv rewrite maximum number of cmaps per dmap in query disjunct |
_query_mmvrewrite_maxdmaps | 10 | query mmv rewrite maximum number of dmaps per query disjunct |
_query_mmvrewrite_maxinlists | 5 | query mmv rewrite maximum number of in-lists per disjunct |
_query_mmvrewrite_maxintervals | 5 | query mmv rewrite maximum number of intervals per disjunct |
_query_mmvrewrite_maxpreds | 10 | query mmv rewrite maximum number of predicates per disjunct |
_query_mmvrewrite_maxqryinlistvals | 500 | query mmv rewrite maximum number of query in-list values |
_query_mmvrewrite_maxregperm | 512 | query mmv rewrite maximum number of region permutations |
_query_on_physical | TRUE | query on physical |
_query_rewrite_1 | TRUE | perform query rewrite before&after or only before view merging |
_query_rewrite_2 | TRUE | perform query rewrite before&after or only after view merging |
_query_rewrite_drj | TRUE | mv rewrite and drop redundant joins |
_query_rewrite_expression | TRUE | rewrite with cannonical form for expressions |
_query_rewrite_fpc | TRUE | mv rewrite fresh partition containment |
_query_rewrite_fudge | 90 | cost based query rewrite with MVs fudge factor |
_query_rewrite_jgmigrate | TRUE | mv rewrite with jg migration |
_query_rewrite_maxdisjunct | 257 | query rewrite max disjuncts |
_query_rewrite_or_error | FALSE | allow query rewrite, if referenced tables are not dataless |
_query_rewrite_setopgrw_enable | TRUE | perform general rewrite using set operator summaries |
_query_rewrite_vop_cleanup | TRUE | prune frocol chain before rewrite after view-merging |
_queue_buffer_max_dump_len | 65536 | max number of bytes to dump to trace file for queue buffer dump |
_rbr_ckpt_tracing | 0 | Enable reuse block range checkpoint tracing |
_rcfg_disable_verify | TRUE | if TRUE disables verify at reconfiguration |
_rcfg_parallel_fixwrite | TRUE | if TRUE enables parallel fixwrite at reconfiguration |
_rcfg_parallel_replay | TRUE | if TRUE enables parallel replay and cleanup at reconfiguration |
_rcfg_parallel_verify | TRUE | if TRUE enables parallel verify at reconfiguration |
_rdbms_compatibility | 10.1 | default RDBMS compatibility level |
_rdbms_internal_fplib_enabled | FALSE | enable CELL FPLIB filtering within rdbms |
_rdbms_internal_fplib_raise_errors | FALSE | enable reraising of any exceptions in CELL FPLIB |
_read_only_violation_dump_to_trace | FALSE | read-only violation dump to trace files |
_read_only_violation_max_count | 500 | read-only violation array max count |
_read_only_violation_max_count_per_module | 100 | read-only violation array per module max count |
_readable_standby_sync_timeout | 10 | readable standby query scn sync timeout |
_real_time_apply_sim | 0 | Simulation value with real time apply |
_realfree_heap_max_size | 32768 | minimum max total heap size, in Kbytes |
_realfree_heap_mode | 0 | mode flags for real-free heap |
_realfree_heap_pagesize_hint | 65536 | hint for real-free page size in bytes |
_recoverable_recovery_batch_percent | 50 | Recoverable recovery batch size (percentage of buffer cache) |
_recovery_asserts | FALSE | if TRUE, enable expensive integrity checks |
_recovery_percentage | 50 | recovery buffer cache percentage |
_recovery_read_limit | 1024 | number of recovery reads which can be outstanding |
_recovery_skip_cfseq_check | FALSE | allow media recovery even if controlfile seq check fails |
_recovery_verify_writes | FALSE | enable thread recovery write verify |
_recursive_imu_transactions | FALSE | recursive transactions may be IMU |
_recursive_with_max_recursion_level | 0 | check for maximum level of recursion instead of checking for cycles |
_redo_compatibility_check | FALSE | general and redo/undo compatibility sanity check |
_redo_read_from_memory | TRUE | Enable reading redo from in-memory log buffer |
_redo_transport_compress_all | TRUE | Is ASYNC LNS compression allowed? |
_redo_transport_sanity_check | 0 | redo transport sanity check bit mask |
_redo_transport_stall_time | 360 | I/O stall time before terminating redo transport process |
_redo_transport_stall_time_long | 3600 | long I/O stall time before terminating redo transport process |
_redo_transport_stream_test | TRUE | test stream connection? |
_redo_transport_stream_writes | TRUE | Stream network writes? |
_redo_transport_vio_size_req | 4294967294 | VIO size requirement |
_reduce_sby_log_scan | TRUE | enable standby log scan optimization |
_release_insert_threshold | 5 | maximum number of unusable blocks to unlink from freelist |
_reliable_block_sends | TRUE | if TRUE, no side channel on reliable interconnect |
_relocation_commit_batch_size | 8 | ASM relocation commit batch size |
_remove_aggr_subquery | TRUE | enables removal of subsumed aggregated subquery |
_rep_base_path | base path for EM reports in database | |
_replace_virtual_columns | TRUE | replace expressions with virtual columns |
_reset_maxcap_history | 10 | reset maxcap history time |
_resource_manager_always_off | FALSE | disable the resource manager always |
_resource_manager_always_on | TRUE | enable the resource manager always |
_resource_manager_plan | resource mgr top plan for internal use | |
_restore_maxopenfiles | 8 | restore assumption for maxopenfiles |
_restore_spfile | restore spfile to this location | |
_result_cache_auto_dml_monitoring_duration | 15 | result cache auto dml monitoring duration |
_result_cache_auto_dml_monitoring_slots | 4 | result cache auto dml monitoring slot |
_result_cache_auto_dml_threshold | 16 | result cache auto dml threshold |
_result_cache_auto_dml_trend_threshold | 20 | result cache auto dml trend threshold |
_result_cache_auto_execution_threshold | 1 | result cache auto execution threshold |
_result_cache_auto_size_threshold | 100 | result cache auto max size allowed |
_result_cache_auto_time_distance | 300 | result cache auto time distance |
_result_cache_auto_time_threshold | 1000 | result cache auto time threshold |
_result_cache_block_size | 1024 | result cache block size |
_result_cache_copy_block_count | 1 | blocks to copy instead of pinning the result |
_result_cache_global | TRUE | Are results available globally across RAC? |
_result_cache_timeout | 10 | maximum time (sec) a session waits for a result |
_reuse_index_loop | 5 | number of blocks being examine for index block reuse |
_right_outer_hash_enable | TRUE | Right Outer/Semi/Anti Hash Enabled |
_rm_cluster_interconnects | interconnects for RAC use (RM) | |
_rm_numa_sched_enable | FALSE | Is Resource Manager (RM) related NUMA scheduled policy enabled |
_rm_numa_simulation_cpus | 0 | number of cpus for each pg for numa simulation in resource manager |
_rm_numa_simulation_pgs | 0 | number of PGs for numa simulation in resource manager |
_rman_io_priority | 3 | priority at which rman backup i/o's are done |
_rman_restore_through_link | FALSE | RMAN restore through link |
_rollback_segment_count | 0 | number of undo segments |
_rollback_segment_initial | 1 | starting undo segment number |
_rollback_stopat | 0 | stop at -position to step rollback |
_row_cache_cursors | 20 | number of cached cursors for row cache management |
_row_cr | TRUE | enable row cr for all sql |
_row_locking | always | row-locking |
_row_shipping_explain | FALSE | enable row shipping explain plan support |
_row_shipping_threshold | 80 | row shipping column selection threshold |
_rowsource_execution_statistics | FALSE | if TRUE, Oracle will collect rowsource statistics |
_rowsource_profiling_statistics | TRUE | if TRUE, Oracle will capture active row sources in v$active_session_history |
_rowsource_statistics_sampfreq | 128 | frequency of rowsource statistic sampling (must be a power of 2) |
_rowsrc_trace_level | 0 | Row source tree tracing level |
_rta_sync_wait_timeout | 10 | RTA sync wait timeout |
_rtc_infeasible_threshold | 25 | Redo Transport Compression infeasible threshold |
_sample_rows_per_block | 4 | number of rows per block used for sampling IO optimization |
_scatter_gcs_resources | FALSE | if TRUE, gcs resources are scattered uniformly across sub pools |
_scatter_gcs_shadows | FALSE | if TRUE, gcs shadows are scattered uniformly across sub pools |
_sched_delay_max_samples | 4 | scheduling delay maximum number of samples |
_sched_delay_measurement_sleep_us | 1000 | scheduling delay mesurement sleep us |
_sched_delay_os_tick_granularity_us | 16000 | os tick granularity used by scheduling delay calculations |
_sched_delay_sample_collection_thresh_ms | 200 | scheduling delay sample collection duration threshold ms |
_sched_delay_sample_interval_ms | 1000 | scheduling delay sampling interval in ms |
_scn_wait_interface_max_backoff_time_secs | 600 | max exponential backoff time for scn wait interface in kta |
_scn_wait_interface_max_timeout_secs | 2147483647 | max timeout for scn wait interface in kta |
_sdiag_crash | NONE | sql diag crash |
_sec_enable_test_rpcs | FALSE | Whether to enable the test RPCs |
_second_spare_parameter | second spare parameter - integer | |
_securefile_timers | FALSE | collect kdlu timers and accumulate per layers |
_securefiles_bulkinsert | FALSE | securefiles segment insert only optization |
_securefiles_concurrency_estimate | 12 | securefiles concurrency estimate |
_securefiles_fg_retry | 100 | segment retry before foreground waits |
_securefiles_forceflush | FALSE | securefiles force flush before allocation |
_securefiles_memory_percentofSGA | 20 | securefiles memory as percent of SGA |
_select_any_dictionary_security_enabled | FALSE | Exclude user$ from SELECT ANY DICTIONARY system privilege |
_selectivity_for_srf_enabled | FALSE | enable/disable selectivity for storage reduction factor |
_selfjoin_mv_duplicates | TRUE | control rewrite self-join algorithm |
_selftune_checkpoint_write_pct | 3 | Percentage of total physical i/os for self-tune ckpt |
_selftune_checkpointing_lag | 300 | Self-tune checkpointing lag the tail of the redo log |
_sem_per_semid | the exact number of semaphores per semaphore set to allocate | |
_send_ast_to_foreground | AUTO | if TRUE, send ast message to foreground |
_send_close_with_block | TRUE | if TRUE, send close with block even with direct sends |
_send_requests_to_pi | TRUE | if TRUE, try to send CR requests to PI buffers |
_serial_direct_read | auto | enable direct read in serial |
_serial_recovery | FALSE | force serial recovery or parallel recovery |
_serializable | FALSE | serializable |
_serialize_lgwr_sync_io | FALSE | Serialize LGWR SYNC local and remote io |
_service_cleanup_timeout | 30 | timeout to peform service cleanup |
_session_allocation_latches | 16 | one latch per group of sessions |
_session_cached_instantiations | 60 | Number of pl/sql instantiations to cache in a session. |
_session_context_size | 10000 | session app context size |
_session_idle_bit_latches | 0 | one latch per session or a latch per group of sessions |
_session_page_extent | 2048 | Session Page Extent Size |
_session_wait_history | 10 | enable session wait history collection |
_set_mgd_recovery_state | 0 | set mgd recovery state to new value |
_seventeenth_spare_parameter | seventeenth spare parameter - string list | |
_seventh_spare_parameter | seventh spare parameter - integer | |
_sga_clear_dump | FALSE | Allow dumping encrypted blocks in clear for debugging |
_sga_early_trace | 0 | sga early trace event |
_sga_locking | none | sga granule locking state |
_shared_io_pool_buf_size | 1048576 | Shared IO pool buffer size |
_shared_io_pool_debug_trc | 0 | trace kcbi debug info to tracefile |
_shared_io_pool_size | 0 | Size of shared IO pool |
_shared_io_set_value | FALSE | shared io pool size set internal value - overwrite zero user size |
_shared_iop_max_size | 536870912 | maximum shared io pool size |
_shared_pool_max_size | 0 | shared pool maximum size when auto SGA enabled |
_shared_pool_minsize_on | FALSE | shared pool minimum size when auto SGA enabled |
_shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc | 4400 | minimum allocation size in bytes for reserved area of shared pool |
_shared_pool_reserved_pct | 5 | percentage memory of the shared pool allocated for the reserved area |
_shared_server_load_balance | 0 | shared server load balance |
_shared_server_num_queues | 2 | number of shared server common queues |
_shmprotect | 0 | allow mprotect use for shared memory |
_short_stack_timeout_ms | 30000 | short stack timeout in ms |
_show_mgd_recovery_state | FALSE | Show internal managed recovery state |
_shrunk_aggs_disable_threshold | 60 | percentage of exceptions at which to switch to full length aggs |
_shrunk_aggs_enabled | TRUE | enable use of variable sized buffers for non-distinct aggregates |
_shutdown_completion_timeout_mins | 60 | minutes for shutdown operation to wait for sessions to complete |
_side_channel_batch_size | 200 | number of messages to batch in a side channel message (DFS) |
_side_channel_batch_timeout | 6 | timeout before shipping out the batched side channelmessages in seconds |
_side_channel_batch_timeout_ms | 500 | timeout before shipping out the batched side channelmessages in milliseconds |
_simple_view_merging | TRUE | control simple view merging performed by the optimizer |
_simulate_disk_sectorsize | 0 | Enables skgfr to report simulated disk sector size |
_simulate_io_wait | 0 | Simulate I/O wait to test segment advisor |
_simulate_mem_transfer | FALSE | simulate auto memory sga/pga transfers |
_simulator_bucket_mindelta | 8192 | LRU bucket minimum delta |
_simulator_internal_bound | 10 | simulator internal bound percent |
_simulator_lru_rebalance_sizthr | 5 | LRU list rebalance threshold (size) |
_simulator_lru_rebalance_thresh | 10240 | LRU list rebalance threshold (count) |
_simulator_lru_scan_count | 8 | LRU scan count |
_simulator_pin_inval_maxcnt | 16 | maximum count of invalid chunks on pin list |
_simulator_reserved_heap_count | 4096 | simulator reserved heap count |
_simulator_reserved_obj_count | 1024 | simulator reserved object count |
_simulator_sampling_factor | 2 | sampling factor for the simulator |
_simulator_upper_bound_multiple | 2 | upper bound multiple of pool size |
_single_process | FALSE | run without detached processes |
_siop_flashback_scandepth | 20 | Shared IO pool flashback io completion scan depth |
_siop_perc_of_bc_x100 | 2500 | percentange * 100 of cache to transfer to shared io pool |
_sixteenth_spare_parameter | sixteenth spare parameter - string list | |
_sixth_spare_parameter | sixth spare parameter - integer | |
_skgxp_ctx_flags1 | 0 | IPC debug options flags (oss) |
_skgxp_ctx_flags1mask | 0 | IPC debug options flags mask (oss) |
_skgxp_dynamic_protocol | 0 | IPC protocol override (!0/-1=*,2=UDP,3=RDS,0x1000=ipc_X) |
_skgxp_gen_ant_off_rpc_timeout_in_sec | 30 | VRPC request timeout when ANT disabled |
_skgxp_gen_ant_ping_misscount | 3 | ANT protocol ping miss count |
_skgxp_gen_rpc_no_path_check_in_sec | 5 | ANT ping protocol miss count |
_skgxp_gen_rpc_timeout_in_sec | 300 | VRPC request timeout when ANT enabled |
_skgxp_inets | limit SKGXP networks | |
_skgxp_min_rpc_rcv_zcpy_len | 0 | IPC threshold for rpc rcv zcpy operation (default = 0 - disabled) |
_skgxp_min_zcpy_len | 0 | IPC threshold for zcpy operation (default = 0 - disabled) |
_skgxp_reaping | 1000 | tune skgxp OSD reaping limit |
_skgxp_rgn_ports | 0 | region socket limits (0xFFFFNNXX): F=flags, N=min, X=max |
_skgxp_spare_param1 | ipc oss spare parameter 1 | |
_skgxp_spare_param2 | ipc oss spare parameter 2 | |
_skgxp_spare_param3 | ipc oss spare parameter 3 | |
_skgxp_spare_param4 | ipc oss spare parameter 4 | |
_skgxp_spare_param5 | ipc oss spare parameter 5 | |
_skgxp_udp_ach_reaping_time | 120 | time in minutes before idle ach's are reaped |
_skgxp_udp_ack_delay | 0 | Enables delayed acks |
_skgxp_udp_enable_dynamic_credit_mgmt | 0 | Enables dynamic credit management |
_skgxp_udp_hiwat_warn | 1000 | ach hiwat mark warning interval |
_skgxp_udp_interface_detection_time_secs | 60 | time in seconds between interface detection checks |
_skgxp_udp_keep_alive_ping_timer_secs | 300 | connection idle time in seconds before keep alive is initiated. min: 30 sec max: 1800 sec default: 300 sec |
_skgxp_udp_lmp_mtusize | 0 | MTU size for UDP LMP testing |
_skgxp_udp_lmp_on | FALSE | enable UDP long message protection |
_skgxp_udp_timed_wait_buffering | 1024 | diagnostic log buffering space (in bytes) for timed wait (0 means unbufferd |
_skgxp_udp_timed_wait_seconds | 5 | time in seconds before timed wait is invoked |
_skgxp_udp_use_tcb | TRUE | disable use of high speek timer |
_skgxp_zcpy_flags | 0 | IPC zcpy options flags |
_skgxpg_last_parameter | 26 | last defined skgxpg parameter - oss |
_skip_assume_msg | TRUE | if TRUE, skip assume message for consigns at the master |
_skip_trstamp_check | FALSE | Skip terminal recovery stamp check |
_slave_mapping_enabled | TRUE | enable slave mapping when TRUE |
_slave_mapping_group_size | 0 | force the number of slave group in a slave mapper |
_slave_mapping_skew_ratio | 2 | maximum skew before slave mapping is disabled |
_small_table_threshold | 26460 | lower threshold level of table size for direct reads |
_smm_advice_enabled | TRUE | if TRUE, enable v$pga_advice |
_smm_advice_log_size | 0 | overwrites default size of the PGA advice workarea history log |
_smm_auto_cost_enabled | TRUE | if TRUE, use the AUTO size policy cost functions |
_smm_auto_max_io_size | 248 | Maximum IO size (in KB) used by sort/hash-join in auto mode |
_smm_auto_min_io_size | 56 | Minimum IO size (in KB) used by sort/hash-join in auto mode |
_smm_bound | 0 | overwrites memory manager automatically computed bound |
_smm_control | 0 | provides controls on the memory manager |
_smm_freeable_retain | 5120 | value in KB of the instance freeable PGA memory to retain |
_smm_isort_cap | 102400 | maximum work area for insertion sort(v1) |
_smm_max_size | 734000 | maximum work area size in auto mode (serial) |
_smm_min_size | 1024 | minimum work area size in auto mode |
_smm_px_max_size | 3670016 | maximum work area size in auto mode (global) |
_smm_retain_size | 0 | work area retain size in SGA for shared server sessions (0 for AUTO) |
_smm_trace | 0 | Turn on/off tracing for SQL memory manager |
_smon_internal_errlimit | 100 | limit of SMON internal errors |
_smon_undo_seg_rescan_limit | 10 | limit of SMON continous undo segments re-scan |
_smu_debug_mode | 0 | |
_smu_error_simulation_site | 0 | site ID of error simulation in KTU code |
_smu_error_simulation_type | 0 | error type for error simulation in KTU code |
_smu_timeouts | comma-separated *AND double-quoted* list of AUM timeouts: mql, tur, sess_exprn, qry_exprn, slot_intvl | |
_sort_elimination_cost_ratio | 0 | cost ratio for sort eimination under first_rows mode |
_sort_multiblock_read_count | 2 | multi-block read count for sort |
_sort_spill_threshold | 0 | force sort to spill to disk each time this many rows are received |
_space_align_size | 1048576 | space align size |
_spare_test_parameter | 0 | Spare test parameter |
_spawn_diag_opts | 0 | thread spawn diagnostic options |
_spawn_diag_thresh_secs | 30 | thread spawn diagnostic minimal threshold in seconds |
_spin_count | 2000 | Amount to spin waiting for a latch |
_spr_max_rules | 10000 | maximum number of rules in sql spreadsheet |
_spr_push_pred_refspr | TRUE | push predicates through reference spreadsheet |
_spr_use_AW_AS | TRUE | enable AW for hash table in spreadsheet |
_spr_use_hash_table | FALSE | use hash table for spreadsheet |
_sql_analyze_enable_auto_txn | FALSE | SQL Analyze Autonomous Transaction control parameter |
_sql_analyze_parse_model | 2 | SQL Analyze Parse Model control parameter |
_sql_compatibility | 0 | sql compatability bit vector |
_sql_connect_capability_override | 0 | SQL Connect Capability Table Override |
_sql_connect_capability_table | SQL Connect Capability Table (testing only) | |
_sql_hash_debug | 0 | Hash value of the SQL statement to debug |
_sql_model_unfold_forloops | RUN_TIME | specifies compile-time unfolding of sql model forloops |
_sql_ncg_mode | OFF | Optimization mode for SQL NCG |
_sql_plan_management_control | 0 | controls various internal SQL Plan Management algorithms |
_sqlexec_progression_cost | 1000 | sql execution progression monitoring cost threshold |
_sqlmon_binds_xml_format | default | format of column binds_xml in [G]V$SQL_MONITOR |
_sqlmon_max_plan | 320 | Maximum number of plans entry that can be monitored. Defaults to 20 per CPU |
_sqlmon_max_planlines | 300 | Number of plan lines beyond which a plan cannot be monitored |
_sqlmon_recycle_time | 60 | Minimum time (in s) to wait before a plan entry can be recycled |
_sqlmon_threshold | 5 | CPU/IO time threshold before a statement is monitored. 0 is disabled |
_sqltune_category_parsed | DEFAULT | Parsed category qualifier for applying hintsets |
_srvntfn_job_deq_timeout | 60 | srvntfn job deq timeout |
_srvntfn_jobsubmit_interval | 3 | srvntfn job submit interval |
_srvntfn_max_concurrent_jobs | 20 | srvntfn max concurrent jobs |
_srvntfn_q_msgcount | 50 | srvntfn q msg count for job exit |
_srvntfn_q_msgcount_inc | 100 | srvntfn q msg count increase for job submit |
_sscr_dir | Session State Capture and Restore DIRectory object | |
_sscr_osdir | Session State Capture and Restore OS DIRectory | |
_sta_control | 0 | SQL Tuning Advisory control parameter |
_stack_guard_level | 0 | stack guard level |
_standby_causal_heartbeat_timeout | 2 | readable standby causal heartbeat timeout |
_standby_flush_mode | SLFLUSH | standby flush mode |
_standby_implicit_rcv_timeout | 1 | minutes to wait for redo during standby implicit recovery |
_standby_switchover_timeout | 120 | Number of secords for standby switchover enqueue timeout |
_static_backgrounds | static backgrounds | |
_statistics_based_srf_enabled | TRUE | enable/disable the use of statistics for storage reduction factor |
_step_down_limit_in_pct | 1 | step down limit in percentage |
_streams_pool_max_size | 0 | streams pool maximum size when auto SGA enabled |
_subquery_pruning_cost_factor | 20 | subquery pruning cost factor |
_subquery_pruning_enabled | TRUE | enable the use of subquery predicates to perform pruning |
_subquery_pruning_mv_enabled | FALSE | enable the use of subquery predicates with MVs to perform pruning |
_subquery_pruning_reduction | 50 | subquery pruning reduction factor |
_switchover_to_standby_option | OPEN_ONE | option for graceful switchover to standby |
_switchover_to_standby_switch_log | TRUE | Switchover to standby switches log for open redo threads |
_swrf_metric_frequent_mode | FALSE | Enable/disable SWRF Metric Frequent Mode Collection |
_swrf_mmon_dbfus | TRUE | Enable/disable SWRF MMON DB Feature Usage |
_swrf_mmon_flush | TRUE | Enable/disable SWRF MMON FLushing |
_swrf_mmon_metrics | TRUE | Enable/disable SWRF MMON Metrics Collection |
_swrf_on_disk_enabled | TRUE | Parameter to enable/disable SWRF |
_swrf_test_action | 0 | test action parameter for SWRF |
_swrf_test_dbfus | FALSE | Enable/disable DB Feature Usage Testing |
_sync_primary_wait_time | 5 | wait time for alter session sync with primary |
_synonym_repoint_tracing | FALSE | whether to trace metadata comparisons for synonym repointing |
_sysaux_test_param | 1 | test parameter for SYSAUX |
_system_api_interception_debug | FALSE | enable debug tracing for system api interception |
_system_index_caching | 0 | optimizer percent system index caching |
_system_trig_enabled | TRUE | are system triggers enabled |
_ta_lns_wait_for_arch_log | 20 | LNS Wait time for arhcived version of online log |
_table_lookup_prefetch_size | 40 | table lookup prefetch vector size |
_table_lookup_prefetch_thresh | 2 | table lookup prefetch threshold |
_table_scan_cost_plus_one | TRUE | bump estimated full table scan and index ffs cost by one |
_tablespaces_per_transaction | 10 | estimated number of tablespaces manipulated by each transaction |
_target_rba_max_lag_percentage | 81 | target rba max log lag percentage |
_tdb_debug_mode | 16 | set debug mode for testing transportable database |
_temp_tran_block_threshold | 100 | number of blocks for a dimension before we temp transform |
_temp_tran_cache | TRUE | determines if temp table is created with cache option |
_tenth_spare_parameter | tenth spare parameter - integer | |
_test_ksusigskip | 5 | test the function ksusigskip |
_test_param_1 | 25 | test parmeter 1 - integer |
_test_param_2 | test parameter 2 - string | |
_test_param_3 | test parameter 3 - string | |
_test_param_4 | test parameter 4 - string list | |
_test_param_5 | 25 | test parmeter 5 - deprecated integer |
_test_param_6 | 0 | test parmeter 6 - size (ub8) |
_third_spare_parameter | third spare parameter - integer | |
_thirteenth_spare_parameter | thirteenth spare parameter - string | |
_threshold_alerts_enable | 1 | if 1, issue threshold-based alerts |
_timemodel_collection | TRUE | enable timemodel collection |
_timeout_actions_enabled | TRUE | enables or disables KSU timeout actions |
_timer_precision | 10 | VKTM timer precision in milli-sec |
_total_large_extent_memory | 0 | Total memory for allocating large extents |
_tq_dump_period | 0 | time period for duping of TQ statistics (s) |
_trace_buffer_wait_timeouts | 0 | trace buffer busy wait timeouts |
_trace_buffers | ALL:256 | trace buffer sizes per process |
_trace_dump_all_procs | FALSE | if TRUE on error buckets of all processes will be dumped to the current trace file |
_trace_dump_client_buckets | TRUE | if TRUE dump client (ie. non-kst) buckets |
_trace_dump_cur_proc_only | FALSE | if TRUE on error just dump our process bucket |
_trace_dump_static_only | FALSE | if TRUE filter trace dumps to always loaded dlls |
_trace_events | trace events enabled at startup | |
_trace_files_public | FALSE | Create publicly accessible trace files |
_trace_kqlidp | FALSE | trace kqlidp0 operation |
_trace_navigation_scope | global | enabling trace navigation linking |
_trace_pin_time | 0 | trace how long a current pin is held |
_trace_pool_size | trace pool size in bytes | |
_trace_processes | ALL | enable KST tracing in process |
_trace_virtual_columns | FALSE | trace virtual columns exprs |
_transaction_auditing | TRUE | transaction auditing records generated in the redo log |
_transaction_recovery_servers | 0 | max number of parallel recovery slaves that may be used |
_transient_logical_clear_hold_mrp_bit | FALSE | clear KCCDI2HMRP flag during standby recovery |
_truncate_optimization_enabled | TRUE | do truncate optimization if set to TRUE |
_tsenc_tracing | 0 | Enable TS encryption tracing |
_tsm_connect_string | TSM test connect string | |
_tsm_disable_auto_cleanup | 1 | Disable TSM auto cleanup actions |
_tstz_localtime_bypass | FALSE | Should TTC not convert to LocalTime to preserve Timestamp with Timezone values |
_tts_allow_charset_mismatch | FALSE | allow plugging in a tablespace with an incompatible character set |
_twelfth_spare_parameter | twelfth spare parameter - string | |
_twentieth_spare_parameter | twentieth spare parameter - string list | |
_two_pass | TRUE | enable two-pass thread recovery |
_two_pass_reverse_polish_enabled | TRUE | uses two-pass reverse polish alg. to generate canonical forms |
_uga_cga_large_extent_size | 262144 | UGA/CGA large extent size |
_ultrafast_latch_statistics | TRUE | maintain fast-path statistics for ultrafast latches |
_undo_autotune | TRUE | enable auto tuning of undo_retention |
_undo_block_compression | TRUE | enable undo block compression |
_undo_debug_mode | 0 | debug flag for undo related operations |
_undo_debug_usage | 0 | invoke undo usage functions for testing |
_union_rewrite_for_gs | YES_GSET_MVS | expand queries with GSets into UNIONs for rewrite |
_unnest_subquery | TRUE | enables unnesting of complex subqueries |
_unused_block_compression | TRUE | enable unused block compression |
_update_datafile_headers_with_space_information | FALSE | user requested update of datafile headers of locally managed datafiles with space information |
_use_adaptive_log_file_sync | TRUE | Adaptively switch between post/wait and polling |
_use_best_fit | FALSE | use best fit to allocate space |
_use_column_stats_for_function | TRUE | enable the use of column statistics for DDP functions |
_use_hybrid_encryption_mode | FALSE | Enable platform optimized encryption in hybrid mode |
_use_ism | TRUE | Enable Shared Page Tables - ISM |
_use_ism_for_pga | TRUE | Use ISM for allocating large extents |
_use_nosegment_indexes | FALSE | use nosegment indexes in explain plan |
_use_platform_compression_lib | FALSE | Enable platform optimized compression implementation |
_use_platform_encryption_lib | TRUE | Enable platform optimized encryption implementation |
_use_realfree_heap | TRUE | use real-free based allocator for PGA memory |
_use_seq_process_cache | TRUE | whether to use process local seq cache |
_use_vector_post | TRUE | use vector post |
_use_zero_copy_io | TRUE | Should network vector IO interface be used for data transfer |
_validate_flashback_database | FALSE | Scan database to validate result of flashback database |
_validate_readmem_redo | OFF | validate redo blocks read from in-memory log buffer |
_vendor_lib_loc | Vendor library search root directory | |
_verify_fg_log_checksum | FALSE | LGWR verifies redo checksums generated by foreground processes |
_verify_flashback_redo | TRUE | Verify that the redo logs needed for flashback are available |
_verify_undo_quota | FALSE | TRUE - verify consistency of undo quota statistics |
_very_large_object_threshold | 500 | upper threshold level of object size for direct reads |
_very_large_partitioned_table | 1024 | very_large_partitioned_table |
_virtual_column_overload_allowed | TRUE | overload virtual columns expression |
_vkrm_schedule_interval | 10 | VKRM scheduling interval |
_vktm_assert_thresh | 30 | soft assert threshold VKTM timer drift |
_wait_breakup_threshold_csecs | 600 | Wait breakup threshold (in centiseconds) |
_wait_breakup_time_csecs | 300 | Wait breakup time (in centiseconds) |
_wait_for_sync | TRUE | wait for sync on commit MUST BE ALWAYS TRUE |
_wait_samples_max_sections | 40 | Wait Samples maximum sections |
_wait_samples_max_time_secs | 120 | Wait Samples maximum time in seconds |
_wait_tracker_interval_secs | 10 | Wait Tracker number of seconds per interval |
_wait_tracker_num_intervals | 0 | Wait Tracker number of intervals |
_wait_yield_hp_mode | yield | Wait Yield - High Priority Mode |
_wait_yield_mode | yield | Wait Yield - Mode |
_wait_yield_sleep_freq | 100 | Wait Yield - Sleep Frequency |
_wait_yield_sleep_time_msecs | 1 | Wait Yield - Sleep Time (in milliseconds) |
_wait_yield_yield_freq | 20 | Wait Yield - Yield Frequency |
_walk_insert_threshold | 0 | maximum number of unusable blocks to walk across freelist |
_watchpoint_on | FALSE | is the watchpointing feature turned on? |
_wcr_control | 0 | Oracle internal test WCR parameter used ONLY for testing! |
_windowfunc_optimization_settings | 0 | settings for window function optimizations |
_with_subquery | OPTIMIZER | WITH subquery transformation |
_write_clones | 3 | write clones flag |
_xengem_devname | DEFAULT | override default VM GEM device name used by skgvm |
_xengem_diagmode | OFF | set to OFF to disable VM GEM support and functionalities |
_xengem_enabled | TRUE | Enable OVM GEM support |
_xpl_peeked_binds_log_size | 8192 | maximum bytes for logging peeked bind values for V$SQL_PLAN (0 = OFF) |
_xpl_trace | 0 | Explain Plan tracing parameter |
_xsolapi_auto_materialization_bound | 20 | OLAP API lower bound for auto materialization. |
_xsolapi_auto_materialization_type | PRED_AND_RC | OLAP API behavior for auto materialization |
_xsolapi_build_trace | FALSE | OLAP API output build info to trace file |
_xsolapi_debug_output | SUPPRESS | OLAP API debug output disposition |
_xsolapi_densify_cubes | TABULAR | OLAP API cube densification |
_xsolapi_dimension_group_creation | OVERFETCH | OLAP API symmetric overfetch |
_xsolapi_dml_trace | OLAP API output dml commands and expressions to trace file | |
_xsolapi_fetch_type | PARTIAL | OLAP API fetch type |
_xsolapi_fix_vptrs | TRUE | OLAP API Enable vptr fixing logic in shared server mode |
_xsolapi_generate_with_clause | FALSE | OLAP API generates WITH clause? |
_xsolapi_hierarchy_value_type | unique | OLAP API hierarchy value type |
_xsolapi_load_at_process_start | NEVER | When to load OLAP API library at server process start |
_xsolapi_materialization_rowcache_min_rows_for_use | 1 | OLAP API min number of rows required to use rowcache in query materialization |
_xsolapi_materialize_sources | TRUE | OLAP API Enable source materialization |
_xsolapi_metadata_reader_mode | DEFAULT | OLAP API metadata reader mode |
_xsolapi_odbo_mode | FALSE | OLAP API uses ODBO mode? |
_xsolapi_opt_aw_position | TRUE | OLAP API enables AW position and count optimization? |
_xsolapi_optimize_suppression | TRUE | OLAP API optimizes suppressions? |
_xsolapi_precompute_subquery | TRUE | OLAP API precomputes subqueries? |
_xsolapi_remove_columns_for_materialization | TRUE | OLAP API removes columns for materialization? |
_xsolapi_set_nls | TRUE | OLAP API sets NLS? |
_xsolapi_share_executors | TRUE | OLAP API share executors? |
_xsolapi_source_trace | FALSE | OLAP API output Source definitions to trace file |
_xsolapi_sql_all_multi_join_non_base_hints | OLAP API multi-join non-base hints | |
_xsolapi_sql_all_non_base_hints | OLAP API non-base hints | |
_xsolapi_sql_auto_dimension_hints | FALSE | OLAP API enable automatic dimension hints |
_xsolapi_sql_auto_measure_hints | TRUE | OLAP API enable automatic measure hints |
_xsolapi_sql_dimension_hints | OLAP API dimension hints | |
_xsolapi_sql_enable_aw_join | TRUE | OLAP API enables AW join? |
_xsolapi_sql_enable_aw_qdr_merge | TRUE | OLAP API enables AW QDR merge? |
_xsolapi_sql_hints | OLAP API generic hints | |
_xsolapi_sql_measure_hints | OLAP API measure hints | |
_xsolapi_sql_minus_threshold | 1000 | OLAP API SQL MINUS threshold |
_xsolapi_sql_optimize | TRUE | OLAP API enable optimization |
_xsolapi_sql_prepare_stmt_cache_size | 16 | OLAP API prepare statement cache size |
_xsolapi_sql_remove_columns | TRUE | OLAP API enable remove unused columns optimizations |
_xsolapi_sql_result_set_cache_size | 32 | OLAP API result set cache size |
_xsolapi_sql_symmetric_predicate | TRUE | OLAP API enable symmetric predicate for dimension groups |
_xsolapi_sql_top_dimension_hints | OLAP API top dimension hints | |
_xsolapi_sql_top_measure_hints | OLAP API top measure hints | |
_xsolapi_sql_use_bind_variables | TRUE | OLAP API enable bind variables optimization |
_xsolapi_stringify_order_levels | FALSE | OLAP API stringifies order levels? |
_xsolapi_support_mtm | FALSE | OLAP API MTM mapping classes supported? |
_xsolapi_suppression_aw_mask_threshold | 1000 | OLAP API suppression AW mask threshold |
_xsolapi_suppression_chunk_size | 4000 | OLAP API suppression chunk size |
_xsolapi_use_models | TRUE | OLAP API uses models? |
_xsolapi_use_olap_dml | TRUE | OLAP API uses OLAP DML? |
_xsolapi_use_olap_dml_for_rank | TRUE | OLAP API uses OLAP DML for rank? |
_xt_coverage | none | external tables code coverage parameter |
_xt_trace | none | external tables trace parameter |
_xtbuffer_size | 0 | buffer size in KB needed for populate/query operation |
_xtts_allow_pre10 | FALSE | allow cross platform for pre10 compatible tablespace |
_xtts_set_platform_info | FALSE | set cross platform info during file header read |
Cloud Technology blogs by Krishan Jaglan - AWS/OCI Solution Architect - Professional
Amazon Partner
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Oracle 11g Database Hidden Parameters
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It is very good blog.I am also looking for this from a long time.Many people like to visit here.I have seen many things over here.It is very good.
ReplyDeleteOracle consultant UK
I knew the hidden were about 1500 but this list has around 2400.. is there any official number from oracle for 11g?
ReplyDeleteI don't think if there any document list the numbers, this list is generated from database itself so can be considered most authentic than any documentation.
DeleteCREATE PFILE='/tmp/pfile.ora' from memory.
ReplyDeleteI know that _use_platform_encryption_lib instructs Oracle to use or not use the host's AES-NI.
Is there an Oracle command to determine if the host supports AES-NI?
Hi Mike,
DeleteNot 100% sure but on Linux /proc/cpuinfo "flags" should show if its supported by hardware. Best would be test , my environment doesn't show its supported, but i will be testing to ensure that's the case.